Check Offs/ Balance Tests Flashcards
HiMAT scoring
Out of 54
Healthy 18-25 yr olds
Male: 50-54
Female: 44-54
HiMAT tests
Walking Walking backwards Walk on toes Walk over obstacle Run Skip Hop foward affected Bound affected Bound less affected Up stairs Down stairs
HiMAT testing scores
0 unable 1 slow time cutoff 2slow range 3 slightly slower range 4 fastest time
Mini BEST four scoring domains
Anticipatory tasks 1-2
Postural response 4-6
Sensory orientation 7-9
Gait balance 10-14
Mini BEST cut off scores
Chronic stroke <17.5
PD = 20
MiniBEST general scoring
2 indep
1 partial
0 unable or major assistance
Mini best tests
Sit to stand Rise to toes Stand on one leg Compensatory stepping correction forward, backward, lateral Eyes open, firm surface Eyes closed foam surface Incline eyes closed Change in speed Head turns (walk) horizontal Walk w/ pivot turns Step over TUG w/ dual task
Berg intro/norms
41-55 low fall risk
21-40 medium fall risk
0-20 high fall risk
Change of 8 pts = genuine change in function
Berg tests 1-7
Sit to stand Stand unsupported Sitting w/ back unsupported, feet on floor, Standing to sit Transfers Standing unsupported, eyes closed Standing unsupported, feet together
Berg tests 8-14
Reaching foward w/ outstretched arm while standing Pick up object Turn to look left and right Turn 360 Alternate foot on step/stool Unsupported tandem standing Standing on one leg
BERG stand unsupported
2 2 30 30 30
Berg sit unsupported times
2 2 30 10 U
Berg eyes closed
10 10 3 U 3 Needs help
Berg feet together
1 1 30 15 15
Berg forward reach
10in 5 2 Reach w/ supervision Lose balance
Berg 360
4 sec 4 sec on side Slow VC/Sup A
Berg foot on step
8 in 20 8 in >20 4 w/out A w/ sup >2 w/ min A Need A/ unable
Berg tandem
30 30 30 w/ small step Need help to step but can hold 15 sec Loses balance
Berg one leg
>10 5-10 3 Unable to hold 3 sec, remain standing Falls
FAB general
<25 indicates fall risk in adults 65 and older
FAB scoring
0 unable 1 2 3 4 able correctly (I)
FAB testing 1-5
Stand feet together eyes closed Reach foward to retrieve object Turn 360 both directions Step up onto and over 6 inch bench Tandem walk
FAB 6-10
Stand on one leg Stand on foam w/ eyes closed Two footed jump Walk w/ head turns Reactive postural control
FAB feet together
30 sec 30 sec/ supervision 10-30 sec Position (I) but cant maintain eyes closed >10 sec Unable
FAB forward reach
Safely and (I) w/out moving feet Reach w/out moving feet requires SUP Reach 1 step Reach 2 steps Unable w/ out >2 steps
FAB turn 360
360 and <4 steps in both directions 360 but >4 steps in one direction Turn 340 >4 both directions Supervision/ VC Manual A
FAB step up and over
Both directions safely
Both directions, supervision
Step up w/ lead leg, trail contacts bench in one direction
Step up onto beach, trail contacts in both directions
Unable w/ out loss bal/man A
FAB tandem walk
10 steps 10 w/ <2 interruptions 10 w/ <5 interruptions 10 w/ >5 Unable to (I)
FAB one leg
20 sec 12-20 5-11 Able to lift <5 Cannot lift leg
FAB foam/ eyes closed
10 sec 2-10 sec >5 sec Step, cannot close eyes Cannot step onto foam
FAB two footed jump
2X foot length Greater than 1x foot length Less than 1 foot length One foot lands before other U or attempts but both dont leave floor
FAB head turns
45 deg
10 steps
10 steps <45 deg 1 or both directions
10 steps veers from straight line
10 (I) but unable to complete required number
Unable to walk 10 steps w/ head turns at pace