Check GK Flashcards
How many cords can be showing on the mains for a local?
2 Layers
What is the NLG tire wear limt criteria?
there must be a continuous tread groove.
When must you reject a MLG tire for wear limit criteria?
When red cord is showing
What speed should you taxi at?
Congested area - not faster than a brisk walk (BLAZE)
Not to exceed 15 knots (11-248 3.9.3)
Who has the right of way?
Fixed Wing
Big Girls Toes Are Really Fine
Typical conflict areas when taxiing
Ramp Area
31 days - Taxiway A & L
13 days - Taxiway E & H
Which way do you break for collision avoidance?
Break right
Aircraft on final approach have ROW over aircraft on the ground and in the air except…
a lower aircraft is also on final approach
Does overtaken or overtaking aircraft have the ROW?
Taxi Spacing
75 feet staggered
150 ft in trail
300 feet at night/snow/ice
Dual Only Manuevers
Rolling Takeoff
Slow Flight
Stability Demo
Contact Recoveries
Unusual Attitudes
Sim EPs
Straight Ins
Low Closed
Uncontrolled Fields
No Flaps
Engine Description
Pratt and Whitney PT6A-68 free-turbine turboprop
1100 SHP
2750 lbs thrust
2900 ft lbs torque
3 Parts-Power Turbine, Gas Gen, AGB
What does the reduction gearbox do?
30,000RPM to 2000RPM
Where is the chip detector mounted?
The Reduction Gearbox
PMU Active Flyweight/Governor
Flyweight - 106% Np
Governor - 100% Np
PMU Inactive Flyweight
100% +/- 2%
At what altitudes will you satrt seeing less than 100% Np
What is the aircraft empty weight?
4900 lbs
What is the max takeoff weight?
6500 lbs
What is the max Ramp Weight
What is the prop diameter?
97 in
How much oil does the T6 hold?
18.5 quarts
Turn East to Racetrack
climb 1200 feet
squawk 0300
monitor CH4
Pattern Conflict points
Radar Initial
90/45 to Initial
VFR Entry
perch point
Common RSU Instructions
Break Approach, Midfield, Departure End
Standby (maintin rnwy hdg 1 mi)
Maintain Runway Heading
Monitor Ground Track
Go Around
Restricted low approach/breakout
Pattern Priorities
Min Fuel
Single Ship In the Pattern
Single Ship Radar Initial
Single Ship VFR Entry
Breakout Altitudes
Pattern Breakout - 2200MSL
Perch Point 1700-2200MSL
Straight In - 700MSL
VFR Entry - 1700MSL
Runway Change Procedures
15 Mins Prior - solos 600# land
10 Mins Prior - all Aircraft 500# land
5 mins Prior - no one enters the pattern
0 mins - all acft 2200 to VFR entry for new runway
Runway Closure/Single Runway procedures
Carry Straight Through Initial
Dont Call BPST
Who do you talk to in the event of problem?
Ground - Texan Ops V20
Pattern - RSU U2
MOA - SOF V12/U12
When do you declare an emergency?
If you require landing priority
IFG directs you
Engine/Fuel Endurance questionable
Structural Damage
Sound Judgement
Define Max Braking Speed
The maximum speed from which the aircraf tcan be brought to a stop without exceed the design energy absorption capability of the brakes. (3.96 million foot lbs)
Define Max Abort Speed
Max Speed at which an abort can be started and the aircraft stopped within remaining runway.
accounts for 3 seconds to recognize and 3 seconds to react with an increase of 20 knots
Wing Solo
Initial Solos remain in the fish
Form solos clear of clouds
RSU Controls