Chapter 9 Language and Communication Flashcards
A system for communicating with other using signals that are combined according to rules of grammar and convey meaning.
A set of rules that specify how the units of language can be combined to produce meaningful messages.
The smallest unit of sound that is recognizable as speech rather than as random noise.
Phonological Rules
A set of rules that indicate how phonemes can be combined to produce speech sounds.
The smallest meaningful units of language.
Morphological Rules
A set of rules that indicate how morphemes can be combined to form words.
Syntactical Rules
A set of rules that indicate how words can be combined to form sentences.
Deep Structure
The meaning of a sentence.
Surface Structure
How a sentence is worded.
Fast Mapping
The fact that children can map a word onto an underlying concept after only a single exposure.
Telegraphic Speech
Speech that is devoid of functional morphemes and consists mostly of content words.
Nativist Theory
The view that language development is best explained as an innate, biological capacity.
Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
A collection of processes that facilitate language learning.
Genetic Dysphasia
A syndrome characterized by an inability to learn the grammatical structure of language despite having otherwise normal intelligence.
Difficulty in producing or comprehending language.
Broca’s Aphasia
Struggle with speech production.
Wernicke’s Aphasia
Difficulty comprehending language.
Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis
The proposal that languages shapes the nature of thought.
A mental representation that groups or categorizes shared features of related objects, events, or oher stimuli.
Family Resemblance Theory
Members of a category have features that appear to be characteristic of category members but may not be posessed by every member.
The “best” or “most typical” member of a category.
Exemplar Theory
A theory of categorization that argues that we make category judgements by comparing a new instance with stored memories for other instances of the category.
Category Specific Deficit
A neurological syndrome that is characterized by an inability to recognize objects that belong to a particular category, though the ability to recognize objects outside the category is undisturbed.
Rational Choice Theory
The classical view that we make decisions by determining how likely something is to happen, judging the value of the outcome, then multiplying the two.