Chapter 16 Stress and Health Flashcards
Specific events or chronic pressures that place demands on a person or threaten the person’s well being.
The physical and psychological response to internal or external stressors.
Health Psychology
The subfield of psychology concerned with ways psychological factors influence the causes and treatment of physical illnesses and the maintenance of health.
Chronic Stressors
Sources of stress that occur continuously or repeatedly.
Environmental Psychology
The scientific study of environmental effects on behaviour and health.
Fight-or-Flight Response
An emotional and physiological reaction to an emergency that increases readiness for action.
General Adaptation Syndrome
A three-stage physiological response that appears regardless of the stressor that is encountered.
Biochemicals indicating the activation of emotional systems.
Three Stages to GAS:
Alarm phase, resistance phase, exhaustion phase.
Alarm Phase
Body rapidly mobilizes resources to respond to the threat.
Resistance Phase
Body adapts to its state of high arousal as it tries to cope with the stressor.
Exhaustion Phase
The body’s resistance collapses, and results in damage.
Immune System
A complex response system that protects the body from bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances.
Cells that produce antibodies that fight infection.
The study of how the immune system responds to psychological variables.
Who came up with the Type A and Type B behaviour patterns?
Friedman and Rosenman.
Type A Behaviour Pattern
Tendency toward easily aroused hostility, impatience, a sense of time urgency, and competitive achievement strivings.
Primary Appraisal
The interpretation of a stimulus as stressful or not.
Secondary Appraisal
Determining whether the stressor is something you can handle or not.
Difference between threat and challenge.
A threat is something you may not be able to control.
Chronic physiological arousal, recurrent unwanted thoughts or images of the trauma, and avoidance of things that call the traumatic events to mind.
A state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion created by long-term involvement in an emotionally demanding situation and accompanied by lowered performance and motivation.
Repressive Coping
Avoiding situations or thoughts that are reminders of a stressor and maintaining an artificially positive viewpoint.
Rational Coping
Facing the stressor and working to overcome it.