Chapter 9 Flashcards
Forming concepts
Mental category based on similarities
Best example of a group
Trial and error
Just start randomly guessing
Sudden flash of inspiration
Step by step systematic approach guaranteed to give a right answer eventually
Cognitive short cut, but no guarantee of a right answer but can save a lot of time
Confirmation bias
Look only for info that confirms what we believe
Can’t stop looking at a problem in one narrow way
Functional fixedness
Show lack of creativity about function of an object
Availability heuristic
Judgement based on availability of info in our memory
Overestimating accuracy of current knowledge
Present same info in different ways
Belief perseverance
Tendency to cling to our beliefs
Ability to produce ideas that are neutral and valuable
Spoken/written/gestured way we communicate meaning
4 months
1 word stage
1 year. Using word to communicate meaning
2 word stage
2 years. Telegraphic speech, noun and verb
Everything else
When do we lose the ability to hear foreign sounds?
10 months
1 word used for whole concept
Environment (Skinner) in Language
Certain sounds are reinforced for
Bio (Chomsky) in Language
Babies learn language too quickly for just reinforcement, exact grammar used that adults don’t use
Animal Communication
Communication w/o grammar
Linguistic determinism
Language shapes thinking
Think in images
We can, but it’s difficult
Ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations
Tested mental age for which kids would fall behind for France
Terman (IQ)
Identify brighter military people who might make good officers
Spearman’s “g” factor
One underlying intelligence factor
Triarchic Theory (Sternburg)
Analytic, Creative, and Practical Intelligences
Analytic intelligence
Traditional intelligence
Creative intelligence
Insight and ability to see novel connections
Practical intelligence
How you adapt to environment
Multiple intelligences (Gardner)
Language, logical, musical, kinesthetic, spacial reasoning, interpersonal, interpersonal, naturalist
Assessing intelligence (Wechler)
10 scales of verbal and nonverbal intelligence testing
Standardized requirement
Tested on large representative group
Reliability requirement
Generally consistent scores across more than one test
Does it measure what it was designed to do?
Genetic determinant of intelligence
Related people tend to score similarly
Environment determinant of intelligent