Chapter 13 Flashcards
Social thinking
how we explain and analyze other’s behavior
How we decide the cause of a person’s behavior
Fundamental error of attribution
Attribute our behavior to the situation and others’ behavior to their personalities
agreeing to something small makes you more willing to comply with larger requests
When you are put in a role, your behavior changes your beliefs
Cognitive dissonance
Mental tension created when we believe one way but act another way
Social Influence
How others affect individual behavior
Conformity (Asch)
Conform to what others do
Conditions that increase conformity
made to feel incompetent group of 3+ unanimous group Attractive/ good group status no prior commitment others observe the behavior culture encourages respect for social standards
Obedience (Milgram)
Study seeing how far people would go to obey
How many shocked the learner to the maximum?
What lowered obedience?
Experimenter was further from the teacher
Experimenter seems legit
Others disobey
Victim is closer
Social facilitation
presence of others can sometimes improve performance on certain tasks
Social Loafing
Individuals put in less effort for a team task
No longer ID as an individual, just part of the crowd
Group polarization
If everyone thinks the same way, discussion will strengthen that opinion
Group think
Better for a group to make a decision than an individual (harmonious but stupid decisions)
Minority influence
The minority can influence the majority as long as it does not compromise on its original position
Unjustifiable, typically negative attitude towards a group and its members
Social inequalities
One group has something another does not, they try to justify it
Ingroup bias
Favoring one’s own group
When things go wrong, people look for others to blame
Schemas of people
Vivid cases
Remember vivid examples better and they can influence attitudes about the group
Just world phenomenon
People get what they deserve
Physical/verbal behavior aimed to hurt/destroy
Frustration-aggression principle
When we are frustrated, we are more likely to aggress
Learning aggression
Learn that aggression can get us what we want
Media and violence
Children engage in violence 7x more after violent programming
Unselfish regard for the welfare of others
Process of deciding to help others
Interpreting as an emergency
Assuming responsibility
Bystander effect
When others are present, feelings of responsibility are diminished and no one takes responsibility
likelihood of developing a relationship
More exposure
Familiarity breeds
Physical attractiveness
Valued in friends, coworkers, significant others, etc… assume inside matches outside