Chapter 14 Flashcards
How many people have a diagnosable psych disorder
Legal term
Deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional
Treatment before 1800s
Brutal, believed they had brought it upon themselves
Medical Model (Panell)
Mental illness was a disease
Biopsychosocial on disorders
Genetic links, experiences, and social support matter
Used to diagnose and classify mental illness; quick but perceptions change and people act differently once you’ve been diagnosed
Anxiety disorder
Persistant distressing and debilitating nervousness or anxiety
Generalized anxiety
Anxiety for no apparent reason
Panic Attack
Unpredictable escalation of anxiety to terror
Intense, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation
Adolescents and young adults; irresistible, irrational preoccupation with certain thoughts. Actions are repeated over and over to reduce anxiety
Anxiety is after the traumatic event
Explanations for anxiety
Conditioning, cognitive (Learn from observing others), and biological links (Brain responses, evolutionary threats)
Mood disorders
Emotional extremes
Major depression
Prolonged depressed moods, feelings of worthlessness, loss of appetite, insomnia, lethargy, etc..
Bipolar disorder
Alternate between depression and mania
Biological links to mood disorder
Too little norepinephrine, and serotonin, genetic link
Social cognitive link with mood disorders
Cycle of depression; become self defeating; stress to negative thoughts to depression to behavior changes back to stress
Schizophrenic disorders
Loss of contact with reality, distorted perceptions, irrational ideas, inappropriate emotions
Disorganized thinking
Disorganized, fragmented thinking and speech
False beliefs
Belief people re out to get you
Distorted perception
Hallucinations (Sensory experience without sensory stimuli)
Positive symptoms
Actually see (Speech, emotions)
Negative symptoms
Lack of response (Monotone, catatonic)
Gradual onset
Gradual then get stuck
Rapid onset
Acute reaction (Short term, go in and out of it)
Brain abnormalities with schizophrenia
Too many dopamine receptors, smaller thalamus, high activity in amygdala, low in frontal lobe
Prenatal factors to schizophrenia
Mother exposed to virus during pregnancy, interferes with brain development
Dissociative disorders
Separate awareness of ourselves
Dissociate ID Disorder
Develop two or more distinct personalities to deal with anxiety
Psychoanalytic explanation for multiple personalities
Defense against unacceptable impulses
Learning explanation for multiple personalities
Reinforced because anxiety is reduced
Stress respinse explanation for multiple personalities
One personality deals with the stress at the time
Anorexia nervosa
Body weight drops below normal, distorted body image, fear weight gain, eat less, exercise, binge/purge
Bulimia nervosa
Binge/purge cycle; depression and anxiety after binge, weight fluctuates, preoccupied with food cravings
Binge-eating disorder
Binge without purging, followed by regret, may be overweight
Personality disorders
Distressing to those around them; impaired social functioning; difficult to change
Socio/psychopaths; Lack moral conscious; can’t connect with others
Histrionic disorder
Excessive emotionality; dramatic, attention seeking, can’t delay gratification
Narcissistic disorder
In love with one’s self, special, self important, think they deserve a lot, preoccupied with fantasies about themselves, can’t take another’s perspective