Chapter 3 Flashcards
Awareness of self and environment
Circadian rhythm
internal biological clock
drowsing off
spindles: small bursts of activity
deep sleep, bed wetting, sleep walking, night terrors
Restorative function of sleep
Helps recover from injuries
Manifest content
Events that occur during the dream
Activation synthesis hypothesis
Random neural activity + active emotional centers= dreams
Latent content
Underlying meaning of the dream
Who spends more time in REM?
What the sleep deprivation do?
Slows reaction times; impairs concentration, memory, and problem-solving ability; and makes it more difficult to retain newly acquired information
Sleep patterns change with what?
Suddenly falling into REM
Sleep apnea
Stop breathing during sleep
Sleep terror disorder
Intense fear, NREM3, no plot
Sleepwalking disorder
Walk, Ok to wake them up, NREM3
Temporary state of being heightened to suggestion
Post hypnotic suggestion
A hypnotists suggestion that the subject will respond in a particular way following hypnosis
hypnotic pain relief
Focus not on the pain
Psychoactive drugs
Chemical substances that act on the brain to affect emotional or mental states
Drug abuse
Maladaptive or dangerous use of a chemical substance
Physical addiction
need for drug- pain and cravings
discomfort/ distress when someone stops taking a drug
Need more of the drug to get the desired effect
Psychological dependence
need the drug to feel a certain way
slow system down
Drugs that heighten the activity of the central nervous system
excite neural activity
stimulant; blocks reuptake of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine;
MDMA or ecstasy
stimulant and mild hallucinogen; blocks repute of serotonin; increases feelings of intimacy; may cause permanent damage
stimulant; addictive; develop tolerance; helps to calm; releases epinephrine and endorphins
stimulant; increased energy; can create tolerance and withdrawal
perception with out stimulation
hallucinogen; blocks repute of serotonin; see shapes, have an out of body experience
How to sleep better
Adopt a regular sleep schedule Don't try to force sleep Establish a regular bedtime routine Establish the proper cues for sleeping Avoid tossing and turning Avoid daytime naps Don't take your problems to bed Use mental imagery Adopt a regular exercise program Limit your intake of caffeine, especially in the afternoon Practice rational self talk
Dual processing
info streamed simultaneously by consciousness and unconsciousness
selective attention
attention focused on small part of incoming stimuli
How much REM per minutes of sleep
10 in 90
How many people think they have insomnia
Sleep theories
keeps us out of harms way restores body tissue cognitive functioning(memories) fuels creativity promotes physical health
Are most dreams negative or positive
Freud, vent unfulfilled desires and repressed thoughts
Dream Theories
Psychoanalytical Info processing Physiological Need Activation Synthesis Cognitive development
Info Processing
while we dream, we assimilate and organzine the day’s experiences
Physiological need for dreaming
neural pathways need to be active or they’ll degrade
activation synthesis
dreams take random neural activity and active emotional centers to form themselves
proof of cognitive development in dreaming
kids and adults dream differently
hypnosis as a social phenomenon
people feel social pressure to act like a good subject
Why are memories recalled under hypnosis inaccurate?
We fill in the gaps with what makes sense
What are three misconceptions about addiction?
Addictive drugs quickly corrupt
addictions require therapy
Gambling, etc.. are addictions
depressant; slows reactions, lowers inhibitions, makes sleepy
depressent; painkiller
What are three types of opiates?
opium, morphine, heroin
What happens when you OD on opiates
stop breathing
more intense cocaine; brings out aggression
stimulant; triggers the release of dopamine
expectations highly influence experience of what?