Chapter 12 Flashcards
Psychoanalytic perspective
Freud; How personalities are determined by what happens in childhood
All basic instincts
Pleasure Principle
Demands immediate, unrestrained gratification
Decision maker
Reality Principle
Satisfy needs without getting in trouble
Moral conscience
Personality Development (Freud)
Psychosexual stages
Free-flowing sexual energy
Stuck at a stage
Oral stage
Birth-18 months; mouth
Anal stage
18 months- 3 years; potty training
Anal retentive
Over gratified at anal stage; clean, organized
Anal expulsive
Under gratified at anal stage; slob, messy
Phallic stage
3-6 years; Symbolically focussed on genitals
Oedipus complex
Boys want mom, castration anxiety, scared of dad, latch onto dad since dad can have mom
Electra complex
Boys have something girls do not, want it, want dad, mom had dad, latches onto dad
Latent stage
6-12 years; libido diffused
Genital stage
12+; sexual maturity
Defensive mechanisms
Ego twists reality to make it less threatening
Things that cause anxiety are pushed into the unconscious
Return to behaviors which reduced anxiety at an earlier age
Reaction formation
Unacceptable impulse turned into the opposite
Anxiety causing feelings are projected onto someone else
Give explanations that aren’t the real reasons but are more acceptable
React to something that was not actually what caused the anxiety
Take energy caused by anxiety and turn it into something useful or acceptable
Assessing unconscious
Use projective tests
Thematic Apperception Test
Show picture, they tell a story
Rorschach test
Ink blots
Why repression is false
Bad memories are remembered really well
Why Unconscious is false
We aren’t aware of a lot in out minds but its info processing
Why Freud was unscientific
Can’t empirically test it
Accept personality structure and huge unconscious, don’t focus on sex and aggression
Humanistic perspective
Humans are inherently good, studies average people
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
Self actualization (accept ourselves, caring)
Carl Rogers
Self concept is the core of our personality; growth-promoting climate
Can disclose info and make connections
Unconditional positive regard
Really listen and share in feelings
Self esteem
Feelings of self worth
Low self esteem
Critical and judgmental of others, depression, and anxiety
Self-serving bias
We have the tendency to think more positively of ourselves than is warranted
Evaluating humanism
Appealing but subjective and unscientific, individualistic
Trait perspective
ID certain dimensions and traits of personality
Big 5
Emotional stability; extraversion; Openness; Agreeableness; Conscientiousness
Myers Briggs
4 dichotomies
ID clinical disorders; most widely used
Social-cognitive perspective
Personalities are shaped by our environment
Reciprocal determinism
Personalities shaped by situation, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
Problems with social-cognitive
Too much on situation, not enough on traits