Chapter 9 Flashcards
Adolescent Egocentrism
Self-absorption that is characterized of teenagers as they search for identity
First phase in Super’s theory of Career development in which adolescents use their emerging identities to form ideas about careers
Second phase in Super’s theory of Career development, in which adols learn more about specific lines of work and begin training
Third phase in Super’s theory of Career development, in which individuals actually enter the work force
Personality-Type Theory
View proposed by Holland that people find their work fulfilling when the important features of a job fit the worker’s personality
Disorder characterized by pervasive feelings of sadness, irritability, and low self-esteem
Juvenile Delinquency
When adols commit illegal acts that are destructive to themselves or others
Adolescent-Limited Antisocial Behavior
The behavior of youth who engage in relatively minor criminal acts but aren’t consistently antisocial
Life-Course Persistent Anti-Social Behavior
Anti-social behavior that emerges early on and continues throughout life
Imaginary Audience
Adols feeling that their behavior is constantly being watched by peers
Personal Fable
Attitude of many adols that their feelings and experiences are unique and have never been felt by anyone before
Illusion of Invulnerability
Adols belief that nothing bad can happen to them
Ethnic Identity
Feeling of belonging to a certain ethnic group