Chapter 8 Flashcards
Collection of physical changes that marks the onset of adolescence, including a growth spurt and growth of breasts or testes
Primary Sex Characteristics
Physical signs of maturity that are directly linked to the reproductive organs
Secondary Sex Characteristics
Physical signs of maturity that are not directly linked to reproductive organs
Onset of menstruation
First spontaneous ejaculation of sperm
Body Mass Index
An adjusted ratio of weight to height; used to define “overweight”
Basal Metabolic Rate
The speed at which the body consumes calories
Anorexia Nervosa
Persistent refusal to eat accompanied by an irrational fear of being overweight
Bulimia Nervosa
Disease in which people alternate between binge eating and purging with laxatives or self-induced vomiting
Preconventional Level
First level of thinking in Kohlberg’s theory, where moral reasoning is based on external forces
Obedience Orientation
Characteristic of Stage 1, the belief that adults know what is right and what is wrong
Instrumental Orientation
Characteristic of Stage 2, Moral reasoning is based on looking out for one’s own needs
Conventional Level
Second Level of thinking, where moral reasoning is based on society’s norms
Interpersonal Norms
Characteristic of Stage 3, Moral reasoning is based on gaining approval of others
Social System Morality
Characteristic of Stage 4, moral reasoning is based on maintaining order of society