Chapter 10 Flashcards
Emerging Adulthood
Period between late teens and mid-late 20s when people aren’t adults, but aren’t adols either
Rites of Passage
Rituals marking initiation into adulthood
Role Transition
Movement into the next stage of development marked by assumption of new responsibilities and duties
Returning Adult Students
College students over age 25
The desire to live life more on the edge through physically and emotionally threatening situations on the boundary between life and death
Intimacy v. Isolation
Sixth stage in Erikson’s theory and the major task for young adults
Binge Drinking
Type of drinking defined for men as more than 5 drinks in a row and for women more than 4 drinks in 2 hours
Physical dependence on a substance such that withdrawal symptoms are expected when deprived of that substance
How much energy the body needs
Low-Density Lipoprotiens
(LDLs) Chemicals that cause fatty tissues to accumulate in arteries, impeding blood flow
High-Density Lipoprotiens
(HDLs) Chemicals that help keep arteries clear and break down LDLs
Body Mass Index
A ratio of body weight and height and is related to total body fat
Characteristics of theories of intelligence that identify several types of intellectual abilities
Developmental pattern in which some aspects of intelligence improve and other aspects decline during adulthood
Interindividual Variability
Patterns of change that vary from one person to another