Chapter 9 Flashcards
Cognitive development
study of the origins of knowledge and how we know what we know
cognitive structure that forms the basis of organizing actions and mental representations.
The 3 schemes we are born with:
mental schemes for internal rather than on physical.
2 innate schemes according to Piaget
organization and adaptation.
organization is the grouping of knowledge and adaptation is assimilation and accommodation of schemes.
When a Childs schemes are in balance and not in conflict
qualitative shifts in a Childs way of thinking
sensorimotor stage, the substages:
reflexive schemes
(0-1 month)
primary circular reactions (1-4 months) more coordination
secondary circular reactions (4 - 10 months) more aware of external world
coordination of secondary schemes (10-12 months) combines schemes to achieve goals
tertiary circulary reactions (12-18 months) walking + searching novelty
beginning of thought (18-24 months) able to form mental representations
deferred imitation
the ability to copy gestures some time after they have seen these actions
preparational stage, the substages:
symbolic function substage (2-4) mental representations of objects that are not present. ~pretend play~
intuitive thought substage (4-7) reasoning in a systematic manner ~transitive interference~
three mountain task
3 mountains and the child is asked what someone else would see
rational imitation
infants produce an action that they think the adult intended to do.
seriation task
putting items in a logical order
class inclusion
ability to reason about parts and wholes simultaneously
only focusing on one aspect of an object