chapter 8: medications and other therapies Flashcards
cognitive ability
- altered emotional health = potential alterations in other parts of daily living
- cognition = ability to think and process thoughts
- emotions = may be increased or decreased
- grooming = may be ignored or over accentuated
phenothiazines (1950s)
- first classification of medications used for treating mental health issues
two reasons for using medications
- symptom control
- may increase compliance with other therapy
major drug classifications used in treating mental health issues
- antipsychotics (neuroleptics)
- antianxiety agents/anxiolytics
- antidepressants (mood elevators)
types of antidepressants
antimanic agents
nonprescriptive tx
common side effects
- antipsychotic: extrapyramidal symptoms
- antianxiety: dependency
- antidepressants: lethargy (especially tricyclic antidepressants)
- MAOI: lethargy
extrapyramidal symptoms side effect: antipsychotics
- symptoms 1-8 weeks post medication
- akinesia
- shuffling gait
- drooling
- fatigue
- muscle rigidity
- mask like facial expression
- tremor
tardive dyskinesia antipsychotic side effect
- symptoms appear 1-8 weeks after starting medication
- involuntary movements that resemble chewing or licking motions
- frowning and blinking constantly
- result of Freud’s theory
- works in the “past”/unconscious
- “free association”
- “dream analysis”
- catharsis
- hypnosis (used in several types of therapies)
behavior modification
- result of Skinmer, pavlov, and other behaviorists
purpose of behavior modification
- to eliminate or reduce unwanted behaviors
- behaviors that are learned can be “unlearned” or “re-learned”
- uses positive reinforcement for best results
cognitive therapies
- result of Albert Ellis and other cognitive or CBT therapists
- rational emotive behavioral therapy
- person centered/humanistic (Maslow and Rogers)
- unconditional positive regard (Carl Rogers)
- the therapeutic environment
beliefs about milieu
- environment affects behavior
- therapeutic
- combines social and therapeutic environment
- safe
- affords feeling of acceptance
- very broad topic/many types of counseling
- counseling is geared to patient needs and type of disorder
some types of counseling
group therapy
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
- used for forms of illness (depression, schizophrenia) not responding to other frms of therapy
- patients are premedicated
- nursing responsibilities include careful monitoring of vital signs
- subjective/objective data collection regarding pt’s response to treatment
- pt should be NPO 4 hours before treatment and should have empty bladder. other safety precautions are also the responsibility of the nurse (dentures out, etc.)
Humor therapy
- smiles, hugs, and humor done as directed therapy
- humor can be inappropriate and should be used carefully
- breakthroughs have been documented in people previously deemed “untreatable” and moe recently in the area of Alzheimer’s treatment
- is unexpected
- changes normal routines
- creates an imbalance in a person’s homeostasis
- out of control
crisis phases
- pre crisis: initial exposure
- crisis
- adaptive
- post crisis
crisis intervention
- crisis = sudden, unexpected event in a person’s life
- drastically changes routine
- body is out of homeostasis
- crisis leads to risk for physical and/or emotional harm to self and/or others
- respond according to your agency policy and scope of practice
goals of crisis intervention
- safety for yourself and the patient
- if you are in danger, leave and get help
- diffuse the situation
- determine the problem
- return to pre crisis or better level of functioning
legal considerations in crisis intervention
- “do no harm”
- do something: call for help, secure the area, try to talk the person down
- stay within your level of preparation and scope of practice
- know when and if you are protected under “Good Samaritan” laws