chapter 17: understaning use of power Flashcards
what is power?
the ability to influence others through the use of energy and strength
- power must be developed as a skill
- a chain of command can be referred to as a “chain of power”
power in health care exists in several forms
- power to buy and sell smaller agencies
- power to alter work schedules, control raises
- power to give or not to give safe and effective nursing care
power types are also referred to as
power bases
- based on expert knowledge
- strongest power base for nursing
- positive, non aggressive way to have power
- person with this type of power has the ability to give reward to others
- can be used to manipulate others
- should use the rewards fairly to motivate
- brown nosing
manager has reward power and uses it to intentionally hurt and punish others
person w/ the knowledge has the power
- person has earned the power that actually accompanies a job and its responsibilities
- based on knowledge, hard work, high level, and title
- based on the authority someone higher in the chain of command has given to a nurse
develops from feelings of admiration and respect for another person
negative uses of power
promote one’s own agenda w/ no regard for the larger group
power struggles
when two people want opposite outcomes and refuse to cooperate
positive uses of power
- using knowledge of healing to affect another’s life positively
- caring and professional application of management theory
- power is positive when used to promote and influence the greater good
self empowerment
- manager must understand the importance of self empowerment and teh ability to support self empowerment in others
self empowerment ladder
- self confidence: comes from within self and contributions from external world
- ability to control life situations: avoid being a victim of situations or people
- attitude change: negative self talk stops
- focus on others’ strengths and not their weaknesses
- be a risk taker
- be creative
- resolve conflict
- show initiative
- ultimately become empowered
supporting self empowerment in others
- important to assist others in developing self empowerment as well
- important part of a nurse manager’s job
- strong caring behavior
sense of helplessness
personal powerlessness
brings about feelings of frustration, decreases energy, and defeats spirit