Chapter 8 Flashcards
social comparison
The process of learning about one’s abilities and characteristics by observing how they compare with others’.
One’s multidimensional impression of one’s own personality, of the attributes, abilities, and attitudes that define one’s self.
Judgements of worth that children make about themselves and the feelings that those judgements elicit.
One’s perceived ability to be successful in accomplishing specific goals.
moral realism
The idea that there are moral facts that refer to objective, rather than subjective, features of the world.
heteronomous morality
Piaget’s description of a child’s first idea of what is right and wrong and the sense that morality is an external, unchangeable set of rules with a focus on consequences of behaviour.
moral relativism
The idea that morality is subjectively grounded and contextually dependent.
autonomous morality
Piaget’s observation that as children get older they begin to see morality as more flexible and consider the intentions of other people’s
preconventional morality
Level 1 of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, in which moral reasoning is guided by personal rewards and punishments.
conventional morality
Level 2 of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, in which moral reasoning is guided by laws and social norms.
postconventional morality
Level 3 of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, in which moral reasoning is guided by universal ethical principles.
industry versus inferiority
stage Erikson’s fourth stage of psychosocial development, leading to a sense of competence or a move away from social interactions.
A term used in the popular media to describe a preadolescent, or a young person who shares characteristics of both children and teenagers.
collaborative divorce
A process in which a team of psychological and legal experts works with families undergoing divorce to protect the child(ren) and resolve roadblocks, facilitating an amicable divorce with minimal legal entanglements.
sociometric measurement
A type of measurement of interpersonal relationships through social group survey.
popular children
Children with high numbers of positive nominations and low negative nominations in a sociometric analysis.
rejected children
Children with high numbers of negative nominations and low positive nominations in a sociometric analysis.
neglected children
Children with few negative or positive nominations in a sociometric analysis.
controversial children
Children with high numbers of positive nominations and high negative nominations in a sociometric analysis.
average children
Children who get slightly more nominations in a sociometric analysis than neglected children but not enough to rank in one of the categories.
Children who are rejected by peers for their aggressive behaviour.
Children who are rejected by peers for their withdrawn behaviour
perspective taking
The increasing ability to take on other people’s viewpoints.
The act of dwelling on negative occurrences and feelings.