Chapter 12 Flashcards
A combination of emotional, attitudinal, and behavioural response patterns of an individual.
Big Five or five-factor model of personality
A theory that there are five personality traits that combine to express personality: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
personality inventory
A questionnaire used to rate a person on a set of characteristics that make up a respondent’s personality.
personality profile
The unique combination of personality traits that describes the more and less dominant features of an individual’s personality and dominance of the Big Five traits relative to one another.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a well-known personality test that types individuals according to responses on four dimensions:
(1) introversion vs. extraversion, (2) sensing vs. intuiting, (3) thinking vs. feeling, and (4) judging vs. perceiving. The Myers-Briggs is commonly used to assess career interests and match people with careers that are most likely to fit them.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
A personality test used by clinicians for the purpose of assessing traits associated with mental illness.
psychosocial development
A set of theories that assume personality is shaped through experience and interactions with the environment throughout the lifespan.
role confusion
The lack of a secure sense of self and identity, according to Erikson.
intimacy vs. isolation stage
Erikson’s sixth stage of psychosocial development, leading to the capacity to share oneself with another or not.
First order change
The development of the individual in a family life-cycle.
Second order change
In the family life-cycle, these are changes in the family.
family life cycle
The stages of development a family goes through as a function of the aging and maturation of individual family members.
The ability to maintain a sense of self while in a relationship with others.
affective support
Emotionally based expressions of interest, care, and concern.
instrumental support
The provision of tangible assistance.
The levels of closeness and equality people want in their friendships.
The amount of control individuals perceive and assert over their life.
The extent to which individuals actualize their true selves.
social network
A group of people who identify themselves as connected because of some similar demographic, such as religion, age, ethnicity, or common interest, and who interact regularly.
social networking site (SNS)
An Internet-based community in which people can join and connect with others, share information, and interact socially online.
consummate love
A relationship involving both emotional and physical intimacy.
triangular theory of love Sternberg’s (1997)
theory suggesting that various types of love reflect different combinations of passion, intimacy, and commitment.
assortative mating
A process throughout the animal kingdom in which species seek out similar partners as mates.
A sexual encounter that involves mutual consent and mutual agreement that no relationship commitment is expected.