Chapter 7 powerpoint Flashcards
a general term for all of the academic disciplines that study human and animal behavior by means of experimental research
behavior science
What is Miles Law?
“Where you stand depends on where you sit”
Who created Mile’s Law?
Rufus E. Miles Jr.
Who is known as the Manager in the Bureau of the Budget?
Rufus E. Miles Jr.
Who is synonymous with the 1978 Public Administration Review?
Rufus E. Miles Jr.
What changed in the 1960’s in term of organizational behavior?
In the 1960s a “humanistic” form of thinking about organizations grew and so did the belief that organizational growth and development would flow from employee creativity and prosperity.
Organizational discourse moved from a more __________- centered mode to a more _________-centered one.
_____ __________ pioneered the application of psychological findings from laboratory experiments to organizational behavior.
Hugo Munsterberg
Organizational Development (OD) is about what?
Planned and deep organizational adaptation and change.
Organizational Development (OD) has its origin in the ________ ________ and in the organizational behavior change processes that came out of the studies of ______ _______ and associates.
Hawthorne Studies
Kurt Lewin
List the major understandings of organizational behaviors.
- Group Behavior
- Organization Develop
- Personality
- Bureaucratic Structor
- Motivation
- Future Organizations
What are the three major characteristics of organizational behavior (found under theories of group behavior)?
- Group Dynamics
- Group Think
- Brainstorming
what are scientific observations of group behavior unearthed a subfield showing how groups interacted in organizations?
group dynamics
Group dynamics explained how ______ and _______ can create group cohesion and stability.
norms and values
Group dynamics explained how norms and values can create group ________ and ________.
Who developed the concept of group think?
Irving Janis
What is group think?
showed how strict adherence to groups norms lead to over-conformity and rigidity, and is a pathology of organizations
Who created the idea of brainstorming?
Alex Osborne