Chapter 7 powerpoint Flashcards
a general term for all of the academic disciplines that study human and animal behavior by means of experimental research
behavior science
What is Miles Law?
“Where you stand depends on where you sit”
Who created Mile’s Law?
Rufus E. Miles Jr.
Who is known as the Manager in the Bureau of the Budget?
Rufus E. Miles Jr.
Who is synonymous with the 1978 Public Administration Review?
Rufus E. Miles Jr.
What changed in the 1960’s in term of organizational behavior?
In the 1960s a “humanistic” form of thinking about organizations grew and so did the belief that organizational growth and development would flow from employee creativity and prosperity.
Organizational discourse moved from a more __________- centered mode to a more _________-centered one.
_____ __________ pioneered the application of psychological findings from laboratory experiments to organizational behavior.
Hugo Munsterberg
Organizational Development (OD) is about what?
Planned and deep organizational adaptation and change.
Organizational Development (OD) has its origin in the ________ ________ and in the organizational behavior change processes that came out of the studies of ______ _______ and associates.
Hawthorne Studies
Kurt Lewin
List the major understandings of organizational behaviors.
- Group Behavior
- Organization Develop
- Personality
- Bureaucratic Structor
- Motivation
- Future Organizations
What are the three major characteristics of organizational behavior (found under theories of group behavior)?
- Group Dynamics
- Group Think
- Brainstorming
what are scientific observations of group behavior unearthed a subfield showing how groups interacted in organizations?
group dynamics
Group dynamics explained how ______ and _______ can create group cohesion and stability.
norms and values
Group dynamics explained how norms and values can create group ________ and ________.
Who developed the concept of group think?
Irving Janis
What is group think?
showed how strict adherence to groups norms lead to over-conformity and rigidity, and is a pathology of organizations
Who created the idea of brainstorming?
Alex Osborne
What is the antidote to group think?
Who is responsible for the idea of the impact personality can have in public administration?
Chris Argyis
What is the idea of impact of personality in public administration?
inherent conflict between the personalities of mature individuals and the needs of the organization, and that organizations tended to treat employees like children.
This mode (impact of personality) is often seen in authoritarian structures that leads to job ____________ and ___________.
What are the four major theories of motivation?
- Hawthorne Studies
- Needs Hierarchy
- Motivation-Hygiene
- Theory X & Theory Y
What are the Hawthorne Studies (experiments)?
The results of these experiments work showed that workplaces are social situations: workers are motivated by peer pressure, attention by leaders, and other complex factors unrelated to remuneration
Who created the needs hierarchy?
Abraham Maslow
List the sections of Maslow’s needs hierarchy in order from lowest to highest.
survival needs
social needs
Who created the Motivation Hygiene theory of motivation?
What is the Motivation Hygiene theory of motivation?
Job content factors such as achievement, advancement and responsibility are motivators as they lead to growth & self-actualization.
Working conditions, on the other hand, such as pay & benefits, are hygiene factors because they prevent unpleasantness
What study determined the Five Factors of determiners of satisfaction?
“The Motivation to Work”
List the Five Factors that determine satisfaction according to the study “The Motivation to Work”.
- achievement
- recogniton
- work itself
- responsibility
- advancement
Explain the “Theory X & Theory Y” of motivation.
Theory X vision tend to be authoritarian, believing that people are lazy & irresponsible.
Theory Y managers believe in the goodness of human beings & that it is natural for people to work hard and creatively, if there is meaning in work.
Who created the “Theory X & Theory Y” motivation theory?
What are the three major impacts of bureaucratic structure on behavior (under major theories of bureaucratic behavior)?
- Bureaucratic Dysfunction:
- Bureaucratic Impersonality
- Bureaucratic Bashing
What does Thompson call a person who gains power/authority through position not innovation?
________ calls a type of individual who gains power/authority through position not innovation, “bureau path”.
How is a bureaucracy dysfunctional?
Bureaucratic structure stresses de-personalized relationships, & power/ authority gained by position, not innovation.
______ _______ saw dehumanization as part of the ideal bureaucracy.
Max Weber
Who created the idea of Bureaucratic Impersonality?
Max Weber
What are the three major advantages of bureaucratic impersonality?
- It increases organizational effectiveness by enabling administrators to do things that are otherwise difficult for people to do
- efficiency also sufferes when emotions or personal considerations influence administrative decisions
- impersonality tends to produce relatively evenhanded rule application
During the _________ years bureaucratic bashing was fashionable.
During the Reagan years bureaucratic ________ was fashionable.
During the Reagan years bureaucratic bashing was _________.
Both _______ and ________ found the bureaucracy bloated and eliminated many positions.
Both Reagan and Clinton found the bureaucracy ________ and eliminated many ________.
Who created the idea of feminist perspective?
Joan Acker
What is the feminist perspective in public administration?
The thought that long-standing male control of organizations has been accompanied and maintained by male perspectives of organization theory. Thus it has been mainly through male lenses the we see and analyze organizations
What are the four sets of gendered processes perpetuate this male reality of organizations?
- Gender divisions that produce gender patterning of jobs
- Creation of masculine organizational symbols and images
- Interactions characterized by dominance and subordination
- The internal and mental network of individuals as they consciously construct their understandings of the organization’s gender structure of work and opportunity and the demands for gender appropriate behaviors and attitudes