Chapter 6 powerpoint/notes Flashcards
What are the four main points of the administrative doctrine?
- core values
- staying in power
- flexibility and growth
- chaning models
borrowing from the military, administrative doctrine promotes loyalty, precision, obedience, and order
core values
the core principles above, regular pay, etc. encourage staying power of leadership, personnel and processes
staying in power
administrative policies are not so rigid as to prevent flexibility and growth
flexibility and growth
administrative doctrine evolves, as our understanding of human behavior, physical conditions, political and economic imperatives change and advance. We have seen many administrative theories live and die, as well as those that have been changed or modified
changing models
a group of people jointly working to achieve a common goal
a proposition or set of proposition that seeks to explain or project something
What is organization theory?
how groups and individuals behave in differing organizational arrangements
List the theories of organizations in order (oldest and newest).
- classical theory
- neoclassical theory
- modern structural theory
- systems theory
List the fundamental tenets of organization.
- organizations exists to accomplish production-related and economic goals.
- there is one best way to organize for production, and that way can be found through systematic, and scientific inquiry
- production is maximized through specialization and division go labor
- people and organizations act in accordance with rational economic principals
What lead up to the classical organization theory?
the industrial revolution model.
Who created the invisible hand theory?
Adam Smith
Who is known as the father of economics?
Adam Smith
When was the factory system of work presented and what did it entail?
the factory system was made during the industrial revolution model.
During this system people are viewed as capital, like machines
Where is equilibrium met in economics?
the equilibrium is where supply and demand meet
Anything below an equilibrium is known as a __________.
What is the invisible hand theory, and who created it?
The invisible hand theory-the market doesn’t need government oversight and regulation, to dictate what the price of an item is going to be.
This was created by Adam Smith
The invisible hand theory is a prime example of ________, letting the market dictate.
What exactly is force multiplying, and when was it presented?
Force multiplying is when individuals special in certain production therefore create better efficiency.
This was presented during the industrial revolution model, under the classical organizational theory.
List the schools of thought under the classical model.
- Frederick taylor’s scientific management
- Henry Fayol’s General Theory of Management
- The period of orthodoxy
- Theory of Bureaucracy
What school of thought is like the scientific method?
Fredrick Taylor’s scientific management.
Who is known as the father of scientific management?
Fredrick Taylor
Fredrick Taylor’s scientific mangement focuses on “_____ and _______”.
time and motion
What book by Fredrick Taylor, was published in 1911?
“the principles of scientific management”
What year was the book “the principles of scientific management” published?
List Fredrick Taylor’s “Duties of Management”.
- replacing traditional, rule-of-thumb methods of work accomplishment with systematic, more scientific methods of measuring and managing individual work elements
- the scientific study of the selection and sequential development of workers to ensure optimal placement of workers into work roles
- obtaining the cooperation of workers to ensure full application of scientific principles
- establishing logical divisions within work roles and responsibilities between workers and management
Explain Henry Fayol’s General Theory of Management.
Developed the principles for: production of goods and services; commerce and finance; accounting, managerial coordination and control, security, equity, scalar chains, and esprit de corps.
He argued that these principles applied to all organizations
What are the two phases of the period of orthodoxy?
- around the time of the new deal it was becoming clear that decisions in public policy and administration were political in nature
- Luther Gulick introduced his PODSCORB model
What does the PODSCORB model stand for?
planning organizing directing staffing coordinating reporting budgeting
Who created the PODSCORB model?
Luther Gulick
Who is known as the dean of american public administration?
Luther Gulick
What model harkened back to Taylor’s scientific management?
The period of orthodoxy
Who created the theory of bureaucracy?
Max Webster
What is neoclassical organizational theory?
Neoclassical organization theory was a variant of the earlier rational-structral form.
Modification by scholars and practitioners of the mechanistic, overly simplistic and restrictive, rational-structural form of organization
who created the idea of bounded rationality?
herbert simon
What is bounded rationality?
the idea that when individuals make decisions, their rationality is limited by the information they have, the cognitive limitations of their minds, and the time available to make the decision.
What theory is bounded rationality ( or decision making ) under?
neoclassical theory
The influence of _________ suggested that the environment
Who is the sociologist who pushed the influence of sociology?
Philip Selznick
Who were the management analysts who identified the basic assumptions of the “modern” structural school?
Lee Bolman
Terrance Deal
What are the basic assumptions of the “modern” structural school (or theory)?
- Organizations are rational institutions whose primary purpose is to accomplish established objectives; rational organizational behavior is achieved best through systems of defined rules and formal authority. Organizational control and coordination are key for maintaining organizational rationality
- There is a “best” structure for any organization-or at least a most appropriate structure- in light of its given objectives, the environmental conditions surrounding it , the nature of its products and/or services, and the technology of the production processes
- specialization and the division of labor increase the quality and quantity of production- particularly in highly skilled operations and professions
- most problems in an organization result from structural flaws and can be solved by changing the structure
modern structural theory evolved from the works of ______ ______ and _____ ______.
Thomas Burns
G.M. Stalker
Thomas Burns and G.M. Stalker identified what two types of organizations that existed?
- Mechanistic systems
2. organic systems
Contrast mechanistic systems and organic systems.
Mechanistic systems:
- Were reminiscent of Taylor’s “one best way.”
- Was useful in stable organizational conditions
Organic Systems:
- An evolutionary system.
- Burns and Stalker argues that like biological organisms, organizations evolved, and that this form was useful for dynamic environmental conditions
_______ theory shows that the world is made up of interrelated organic and dynamic systems.
Who created the cybernetic system?
Norbert Weiner
What theory is the cybernetic system under?
Systems theory
the butterfly effect is under what theory?
systems theory
what is the cybernetic system?
Norbert Weiner argued that organizations strive for conditions of dynamic equilibrium, and that leadership is instrumental in keeping the organization in that state.
Who created the butterfly effect?
James Gleick
the core features of modern public administration in the Western world were first found in the _______ _______.
Roman Empire
all organizations are guided by a doctrine of __________ that reflects the basic values of the _______ __________
cultural environment
The first doctrines of public administration were _________ and parallel the brutality of ________ ________.
military discipline
What are concepts that are military based are?
- span of control
2. unity of command
What are advances in organization theory based on?
A dominant paradigm (or model) used in any specific period
Classical organization theory (while includes bureaucracy) is considered __________, and continues to be the _____ on which other schools of organization theory have been built.
Scientific management grew out of ___________.
The progressive reformers were able to use _________ __________ as the core rationale for their call to separate _________ from administration.
scientific management
the pattern of development within public administration between World Wars I and II became known as a “______ __ ________”
period of orthodoxy
All the subsequent perspective on organization theory are essentially revisions and expansions of the ________ ________.
classical writers
List the characteristics of Weber’s bureaucracy (ideal type).
- the bureaucrats must be free as individuals; they can only be bossed around with respect to the impersonal duties of their offices
- the bureaucrats are arranged in a clearly defined hierarchy of offices, the traditional scalar chain wherein every bureaucrat has an unambiguous place-and knows his or her place!
- the functions of each office are clearly specified in writing
- the bureaucrats are arranged accept and maintain their appointments freely-without duress. Slave bureaucrats, while once fashionable in the Ottoman Empire and Imperial China, are an inherent contradiction except within military or prison organizations
- appointments to office are made on the basis of technical qualifications, which ideally are substantiated by examinations administered by the appointing authority, a university, or both
- the bureaucrats receive money salaries and pension rights, which reflect the varying levels of hierarchy. while the bureaucrats are free to leave the organization, they can be removed from their offices only under previously stated, specific circumstances
- the office must be the bureaucrat’s’ sole or at least major occupation
- a career system is essential; while promotion may be the result of either seniority or merit, it must be premised on the judgment of hierarchical superiors.
- the bureaucrats do not have property rights to their office nor any personal claim to the resources that go with it
- the bureaucrat’s conduct must be subject to systematic control and strict discipline
What is Laissez-Faire?
letting things take their own course
In what book did Catheryn Seckler-Hudson, state her 12 principles?
“Organization and Management”
True or False: Catheryn Seckler-Hudson’s 12 principles are immutable (unchanging).
List Catheryn Seckler-Hudson’s 12 principles.
- policy should be defined and imparted to those who are responsible for its achievement
- work should be subdivided, systematically planned, and programmed
- tasks and responsibilities should be specifically assigned and understood
- appropriate methods and procedures should be developed and utilized by those responsible for policy achievement
- appropriate resources (men, money, material) in terms of availability and priority should be equitably allocated
- authority commensurate with responsibility should be delegated and located as close as possible to the point where operations occur and decisions need to be made
- adequate structural relationships through which to operate should be established
- effective and qualified leadership should head each organization and each subdivision of the organization
- unity of command and purpose should permeate the organization
- continuous accountability for utilization of resources and for th production of results should be required
- effective coordination of all individual and group efforts within the organization should be achieved
- continuous reconsideration of all matters pertaining to the organization should be a part of regular operations
What are the nine principles of war currently used by the U.S?
- objective: direct every military operation toward a clearly defined, decisive, and attainable objective
- offensive: seize, retain, and exploit the initiative
- Mass: concentrate combat power at the decisive place and time
- economy of force: allocate minimum essential combat power to secondary efforts
- maneuver: place the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the flexible application of combat power
- unity of command: for every objective, ensure unity of effort under one responsible commander
- security: never permit the enemy to acquire an advantage
- surprise: strike the enemy at a time and/or place and in a manner for which he is unprepared
- simplicity: prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and clear, concise orders to ensure thorough understanding