Chapter 7 - Laboratory Tests Flashcards
What is the laboratory tests called “Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)” (Study Guide)
- Measurement of urea levels in the blood
- Normally blood urea levels are low, but urea accumulates when kidney fails.
What is the laboratory test called “Creatinine clearance”?
Measurement of the rate at which creatinine is cleared from the blood by the kidney
What is CT urography?
X-ray images obtained using computed tomography (CT) show multiple cross-sectional and other views of the kidney
What is X-ray studies called “Kidney, Ureters, and Bladder”? (STUDY GUIDE)
- KUB (abbreviation) - X-ray examination (without contrast) of kidneys, ureters, and bladder
- Helps to see the size and location of the kidneys
What is the X-ray studies called “Renal Anigography”?
X-ray examination (with contrast) of the blood vessels of the kidney
What is the X-ray studies called “Retrograde Pyelogram”?
- Abbreviation: RP - X-ray image of the renal pelvis and ureters after injection of contrast through a urinary catheter into the ureters from the bladder
- Useful in locating urinary stones and obstruction
What is X-ray studies called “Voiding Cytourethrogram?”
Abbreviation: VCUG - X-ray image (with contrast) of the urinary bladder and urethra obtained while the patient is voiding
What is ultrasonography?
A diagnostic technique using ultrasound waves to produce an image of an organ or tissue
What is radioactive scan?
Image of the kidney obtained after injecting a radioactive substance (radioisotope) into the bloodstream
What is MRI urography?
Changing magnetic field produces images of the kidney and surrounding structures in three planes of the body.
What is cystoscopy?
Direct visualization of the urethra and urinary bladder with an endoscope (cytoscope).
What is dialysis?
Process of separating nitrogenous waste materials from the blood
What is hemodialysis (HD)?
Uses an artificial kidney machine that receives waste filled blood from patient and filters it and returns it.