Chapter 7 Key Terms Flashcards
ISP pg.190
The most important sacred work of Indian literature, it’s a dialogue between a warrior Arjuna and the god Krishna and the fate of the spirit
helped foster a new age of PERSIA thoughts and ideas
show us a part of indian culture we wouldn’t have ever known without it–> many PERSIAN ideas are based from this
RPS pg.189
Third ruler of the Mauryan Empire in India (r. 273-232 B.C.E.). He converted to Buddhism and wrote his precepts on inscribed stones and pillars–> earliest surviving Indian writing
by converting to buddhism allowed for the religion to become more significant and bigger throughout the culture–> allowed for PERSIA ideas to blossom and flourish throughout his empire
PIS pg.201
A massive stone monument on the Indonesian island of Java, erected by the Sailendra kings around 800 C.E. The winding ascent through ten levels, decorated with rich relief carving, is a Buddhist allegory for the progressive stages of enlightenment.
shows different PERSIAN ideas and thoughts during that time period
RISP pg.185
Buddha (563-483 B.C.E.)
An Indian prince named Siddhartha Gautama left his house and became the “enlightened” (the meaning of Buddha)–> created the the principles of Buddhism
This doctrine spread throughout India and to Southeast, East, and Central Asia
was revolutionary PERSIAN thinker–>developed a new way of thinking and started a revelation of a new religion
different PERSIAN thoughts and ideas came from this
PSE pg.198
early society in Southeast Asia during the first and sixth centuries C.E.
was in a rice-growing region in southern Vietnam, controlled the passage of trade across the Malaysian isthmus
different PERSIAN ideas sprouted from here and because it controlled different trade routes allowed for them to receive alot of money and become wealth–>also increased their power
PER pg.191 Gupta Empire (320-550 C.E.)
Indian state at the capital at Pataliputra in the Ganges Valley
controlled most of the Indian subcontinent with military force and used its prestige as a base for sophisticated culture
lots of a PERSIAN things were started during this empire–> very sucesful in their control of the indian subcontinent means that they had a strong military force
significant because they had a strong and sucesful and influential prestige that even became the base of society
RSI pg.186
term the beliefs and ritual practices that have developed in the Indian subcontinent since antiquity
based in ancient Vedic, Buddhist, and south Indian religious concepts and practices
was spread through trade routes
very influential PERSIAN religions—> one of the major religions in the world–> makes it very important to the culture of the world and if it didn’t exsist many things would have been changed–> influential relgion
SP pg.182
within the group varna is the jati–> regional groups of people who have a common occupational sphere, and do everything together (who marry, eat, and generally interact with other members of their group)
important because it helped divide up society and showed without this type of division thought society would have made PERSIAN culture much different and the power of people would and could be different
SIRP pg.182
the deeds made in past and present lives that relate to your “spirit” and if you achieve good or bad karma it can change if you stay or move up or down in the life cycle
the elite in ancient India to encourage people to accept their social position and do their duty
significant because because people based their lives on this mantra and lived their life based on this–>without this people could have acted differently–> elites and higher peoples used it to have power over people so they wouldn’t revolt against them and they would keep their position in society
SPI pg.190
events leading up to a battle between related kinship groups in early India
in it is the Bhagavad-Gita–>sacred text
battle very significant because it resulted in a change in PERSIAN thinking throughout India.
RIS pg.186
Mahayana Buddhism
“Great Vehicle” branch of Buddhism-> seen in China, Japan, and Central Asia
focus on reverence for Buddha and for bodhisattvas
was a new PERSIAN way of thinking–> changed the views of people throughout asia and was new religion–> means new types of thinking
PES pg.189
Mauryan Empire 324 BCE- 184 BCE
first state that unified most of Indian subcontinent
–> became wealthy on taxes, mining and control on trade routes
founded by Chandragupta Maurya
a significant state that got power and wealth from the trade–>means they were a powerful and their legacy and PERSIAN ideas, views and thoughts were passed more and easier
RSI pg.184
Hindu’s spirit’s “liberation” from the endless cycle of rebirths–> to achieve this meditation, devotion to the gods, distancing from different desires–> animates the universe
was a very significant because it was an idea and thought that everyone worked and chose to live their lives certain ways so they could achieve this great and holy idea where they wouldn’t have to be in the trap of life
S pg.180
Seasonal winds in the Indian Ocean–>manly Africa and Asia–> cause lots of rainfall in parts of India, Southeast Asia, and China–>causes cultivation of crops
significant because it was a reliable water source–> allowed for food to grow and for civilizations to grow and surive
PES pg.199
Srivijaya– 7th-11th centuries CE
state on the Indonesian island of Sumatra–> had showmanship and diplomacy on the inland and coastal territories
has lots wealth and power from the mixing of Indian technologies and concepts
controlled trade routes between India and China
significant because controlled many different regions–> that helped support and influence many of the different regions throughout the area and because of the control of trade routes became wealthy and and had lots of power
PER pg.191
Tamil kingdoms
kingdoms in southern India–>isolated–> developed differently
speak Dravidian languages
produced epics, poetry, and performance arts
their religion:Elements of Tamil religious beliefs–> blended with Hindu synthesis
because it developed isolated its significant because shows the true culture happens during that time period without the influence of other peoples–>shows with a different PERSIAN outlook than anywhere else because of their isolation
PES pg.191
a state that acquires prestige and power by having good cultural forms and public ceremonies, redistributing resources–> to attract and bind subjects to the center. Examples include the Gupta Empire in India and Srivijaya in Southeast Asia
significant because their power and different way of PERSIAN ruling–> spread to other cultures and was new type of ruling system that worked well for some states and not as much for others
RSI pg.186
theravada Buddhism
“Way of the Elders” branch of Buddhism–> Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia follow it
follows original principles set by Buddha–> downplays importance of gods–> emphasizes austerity and the individual’s search for enlightenment
significant because it’s a type of religious tradition that was influencial throughout asia and india
also shows that event though religious traditions like Buddhism and how important it is to people that they start to develop their own thoughts and traditions based from it
SP pg.182
a category of social identity–> four major social divisions: the Brahmin-priest class, Kshatriya- warrior/administrator class, Vaishya-merchant/farmer class, Shudra- laborer class
**inside the classes there are Jati
important because it was a social class that determined a lot of society and the choices that they made. without these divisions people could have interacted and met many different peoples which could have changed society and history
IRP pg.181
Indian sacred “knowledge”—the literal meaning of the term–> passed down and preserved orally by Brahmin priests–> wrote down—> included the thousand poetic hymns of deities from Rig Veda
–>the main source of information about the Vedic period
signficant because of these type of passing down of knowledge is how we know so much a bout history from then–>without this we wouldn’t know very much