Chapter 5 Key Terms Flashcards
PES 120-121
Definition: founder of the Achaemenid Persian empire. Between 550-530 BCE he conquered Media, Lydia and Babylon. In administration he had people from many different countries. When he conquered different places he respected their local traditions and religion
Significance: he created a new organized structure that was used in main latter empires. He divided his empire into 20 provinces each under a satrap- governor, united different Persian tribes. He is considered one of the founders of the Persian empire because end unified them and created a good foundation for expansion throughout their empire. He also expanded their emoire
PESR 120-121
founder of the Achaemenid Persian Empire and in 550-530 BCE conquered Media, Lydia and Babylon.
He respected the institution and beliefs of his subjects, this allowed for little amounts of uprsing and made a peaceful empire
he is one of the founders of the Persian Empire. He conquered and untied the persian tribes
PESR 121
Darius I
The Son of Cyrus and third ruler of Persian Empire (r.521-486 BCE) expanded the persian empire and gave all major government posts to Persians Also established a system of provinces and tribute. Constructed Persepolis
created a more centralized government and made it his own but while still using the same ideas that worked with past emperors
having this central control allowed for PERSIAN ideas to spread more and easier
PES 121
the governor of a province in the Achaemenid Persian Empire-usually a relative of the king. Was responsible for protecting the provinces and forwarding tribute of central administration. **satraps in outside provinces had a lot of freedom
allowed for persian emperors to keep control of their huge empire, they governed and were in control of different areas throughout area->allowed for PERSIAN ideas to remain apparent
however once they got further from the capital they got more freedom and acted like kings rather than govenors
PEI 122
a complex of palaces, reception halls and treasury buildings built by the Persian Kings, Darius I and Xexres in Persia. Different royal events were held there along with the burial of kings in nearby places
having this centralized government allowed for PERSIAN ideas to stay and for PERSIAN power
RS 124
a religion originating in Iran that became official religion of Achaemenids. Centered around one deity Ahuramazda-> who went through alot of struggles and restored the world around him. the religion emphasized truth-telling, purity and nature
this was a new type of thinking that lead to more PERSIAN power
was a monotheistic culture that was one of the more successful that spurred new ideas and different ways of thinking
Greek term for a city state. it had an urban center with agricultural territory. was the political organization in Greece during the Archaic and Classical periods. Some of the polis’s were oligarchic and others were democratic depending on how much power certain positions had
they allowed for more PERSIAN power growth revenue,
the bigger they got it allowed for better control because they just didn’t have a city
SP 129
a armored greek infantryman in the Archaic and Classical periods-fought in packs. they consisted of middle and upper class citizens. they were considered superior to other military forces
the smaller military allowed for more PERSIAN stability throughout the military and more PERSIAN smaller effective more power
PES 130
a greek term for someone who seized and held power that violated original procedures. there were many in 7th and 6th centuries BCE. tyrants liked to take advantage of middle class and weakened elites–>this lead to the creation of democracy
it was a different type power/ruling which allowed a different way for PERSIAN ideas to be spread
PESI 130 Democracy
system of government where citizens had equal political, legal, privileges and protection. started to appear in 5th and 4th century
the democracy idea allowed for PERSIAN ideas to be heard more PERSIAN power for males
RS 130
a gift given to a deity. wanted to create a relationship with the deity allowing to gain a favor from this because they owe them a favor
sacrifices taught better morals for the local citizens and people
this also increased PERSIAN power, because it was a new way of thinking and looking at the world
-someone was able to give you what you wanted while giving something up you wanted
ISP 132
created the term historia developed by a greek during the late Archaic period. he traced the wars between Greek city-states and Persian Empire–>this started the historical writing we see today
started a new PERSIAN way of thinking and viewing the world
was a new way to view different events which created new PERSIAN thoughts
he started a new fundamental concept into the world today and created a long significant tool that will forever be used
PESI 133
an aristocratic leader who guided Athenian state through transformation of a democracy for all male citizens, supervised construction of the Acropolis, they also created a policy that led to the Peloponnesian War
this allowed for all PERSIAN ideas to be heard
the acropolis was a new PERSIAN type of governing that allowed for new ways of ruling
PES 134
Persia Wars
different wars between Greek city-states and Persian empire. the most famous ones were Ionian Revolt (499-494 BCE) through Darius punitive expedition at Marathon (490 BCE) and the defeat of Xexres’ invasion of Greece by the Spartans (480-479 BCE)
happened because the PERSIAN ideas weren’t the same, which created conflict between the two of them
the greeks ended up winning because the different city-states had a common PERSIAN enemy which allowed for them to unite
I 135
a warship, that was sleek and light with 170 oars developed in the 5th and 4th centuries BCE
was a different type of PERSIAN thought of takling the navy system and their boats
RIS 136
athenian philosopher (ca.470-399 BCE) started to ask questions about natural science to ethics of human behavior. attracted young dispels but made enemies because he ignored pretension of others
viewed life in a different PERSIAN sense, which created for an outburst of different PERSIAN views on him and life as they used to see it
PESI 137
Peloponnesian War
(431-404 BCE) a war between the Athenian and Spartan alliance systems. started because of Athenian imperialism. Sparta ended up winning because of Athenian errors
the PERSIAN alliance was corrupt because they had different views on their personal PERSIANs
shows how each city-state had very different PERSIAN takes
PSER 140
king of macedonia in northern greece. between 334-323 BCE conquered Persian Empire, reached Indus Valley and founded many cities that were similar and based on Greek ones. along with this he spread greek culture throughout the Mediterranean
he had a very strong PERSIAN ruling over different city-states and countries
shows that one man with his own PERSIAN views can unite many other countries and city-states to have common ground on some PERSIAN things
Hellenistic Age
323-30 BCE, where Greek culture spread through western Asia and northern Africa. the period ended with the fall of Rome
when different PERSIAN ideas were spread, changed and developed
Macedonian dynasty-descended form Alexander the Great’s officers that ruled Egypt for 3 centuries. his capital was at Alexandria and he took different systems that past pharaoh created to get more wealth
Adding a the Ptolemaic dynasty allowed for PERSIAN diffusion in the greek and macedonian ideas.
this introduced a new leader always bring new ideas, thinkers and other PERSIAN ideas.
city on the mediterranean coast of egypt founded by Alexander. Became the capital of the Hellenistic kingdom for Ptolemies. had famous libraries and Museums and was center of science and literary. traded along mediterranean coast and indian ocean
because of it’s many libraries, museums and intellectual centers, along with it being the capital made it the center of many PERSIAN thoughts and ideas this ment more immigration and new thinkers