Chapter 7: Axial Skeleton Flashcards
Cervical Curve
(7 vertebrae) A secondary curve, develops as the infant learns to balance the weight of its head on the vertebrae of the neck.
The terminal portion of the spinal column, consisting of relatively tiny, fused vertebrae.
The braincase; the skull bones that surround and protect the brain.
A relatively soft, flexible, fibrous region between two flat bones in the developing skull; also spelled fontanel.
Intervertebral Discs
A fibrocartilage pad between the bodies of successive vertebrae that absorbs shocks.
Lambdoid Suture
The synarthrosis between the parietal and occipital bones of the cranium.
Ligaments Nuchae
An elastic ligament between the vertebrae prominens and the occipital bone.
Lumbar Curve
(5 vertebrae) A secondary curve, balances the weight of the trunk over the lower limbs. This curve develops with the ability to stand.
Nasal Cavity
The chamber in the skull that is bounded by the internal and external nares.
The bony recess of the skull that contains the eyeball.
Paranasal Sinuses
Bony chambers, lined by respiratory epithelium, that open into the nasal cavity; the frontal, ethmoidal, sphenoidal, and maxillary sinuses.
Sacral Curve
The primary curve, provides room for various abdominopelvic organs.
A chamber or hollow in a tissue; a large, dilated veing.
Spinal Curves
Spinal curves develop before birth, and secondary curves after birth.
Spinous Process
The prominent posterior projection of a vertebra; formed by the fusion of the two laminae.
Sutural Bones
Irregular bones that form in fibrous tissue between teh flat bones of the developing cranium; also called Wormian bones.
A fibrous joint between flat bones of the skull.
Thoracic Curve
(12 vertebrae) A primary curve, provides room for the thoracic organs.
Vertebral Column
The cervical, thoracic, and lumber vertebrae, the sacrum, and the coccyx.
Xiphoid Process
The slender, inferior extension of the sternum.
The surgical removal of a section of bone (bone flap) from the skull for the purpose of operating on the underlying tissues.
Deviated Nasal Septum
A bent nasal septum (cartilaginous structure dividing the left and right nasal cavities) that slows or prevents sinus drainage.
Herniated Disc
A disc (fibrocartilage pad) between the vertebrae that slips out of place or ruptures; if it presses on a nerve, it can cause back pain or sciatica.
A surgical operation to remove the posterior vertebral arch on a vertebra, usually to give access to the spinal cord or to relieve pressure on nerves.