Chapter 7 Flashcards
Store memory for no specific purpose
Control Processes
Shift information from one memory store to another
Persistence of learning over time
Selects which information will be passed onto STM
Atkinson-Shiffrin Model
See diagram
Sensory Memory
Immediate recording of sensory information
Process of storing memory into LTM
Brings memory from LTM to STM
Iconic Memory
Stores visual sensory memory for 0.5 seconds
Echoic Memory
Stores audial sensory memory for 1-2 seconds
Sperling Memory Task
Person could recite one row if cued by a pitch, but not full figure
Interference to encoding of sensory memory
Memory store with limited capacity
Long term information store (could be permanent)
Attention (from lecture)
Selective attention to certain parts of available stimulus
Goal-oriented attention
Your goals make you focus on certain things
Stimulus-driven attention
Features of the stimuli themselves make you focus on them
Tip of Tongue Phenomenon
Able to retrieve words close to the word you want to retrieve
Serial Position Effect
Middle of a sequence of items is often forgotten
Proactive Inference
Earlier items on list occupies memory and leaves fewer resources available to remember new info
Retroactive Inference
Most recent info overshadows previous info that had not made it into LTM
Repeating information until you do not need it anymore
Grouping items based on similarities
Implicit Memory
Non-declarative, information stored, but not at level of conciousness
Explicit Memory
Declarative (can be semantic or episodic)
Episodic Explicit Memory
Related to time and space
Semantic Explicit Memroy
Not related to time and space. Facts.
Encoding (from lecture)
Attend to and take in information
Strengthening a memory
Retention of encoded info over time
Process of getting information out of memory store
What stage of memory did HM have issues with?
Working Memory
Component of STM that stores small amount of info for short amount of time
Phonological Loop
Component of working memory that stores info as sounds
Visuospatial Sketchpad
Component of working memory that stores visual information as a visuospatial map
Episodic Buffer
Component of working memory that combines images and sound into an episode
Central Executive
Coordinates the three components of working memory
Procedural Memory
Pattern of muscle movements
Anterograde Amnesia
Can’t make new memories after incident (HM had this)
Retrograde Amnesia
Can’t remember events that occurred before brain damage
Long-Term Potentiation
Strengthening of synaptic connection between two related neurons
Stores declarative memories
Important in forming declarative memories, but does not store them
More AMPA receptors =?
Greater chances of action potential
Storage (from text)
Time between encoding and retrieval
LTM Encoding
Requires thought and effort. Maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal
Maintenance Rehearsal
Encode memory by repeating it
Elaborative Rehearsal
Encode memory through understanding of meaning
Levels of processing theory
Craik and Lockhart 1972. Info processed at deeper level more likely to be retained
Structural Encoding
Paying attention to how a word looks
Phonological Encoding
Paying attention to sound qualities of words
Semantic Encoding
Pay attention to meanings of words
Self-Reference Effect
Thinking about how information impacts you makes it stronger
Recognizing a presented item you’ve seen before. Stronger than recall.
Reproduction of info to which you were asked, but the item is not presented to you
Encoding Specificity Principle
Retrieval most effective when paired with encoding
Context-Dependent Memory
Retrieval most effective when in same context as initial encoding
State-dependent Memory
Retrieval is more effective when your internal state matches the one you were in during encoding
Mood-dependent Memory
Retrieval most effective when mood matches mood you were in during encoding
Flashbulb Memory
Vivid memory about how one learned an event
Technique for remembering something
Method of Loci
Mnemonic that connects words a path??
Dual Coding
Info stored in more than one form
Testing Effect
Taking practice tests improves performance
Organized cluster of memories that makes up one’s knowledge, beliefs, etc
Constructive Memory
Process in which schema is recalled and then details are added
False Memory
Remembering details about an event that never occurred
Misinformation Effect
Information given after an event becomes part of your memory of that event (Loftus car accident experiment)
Loftus Effect
When given the verb “smashed” as opposed to “bumped,” eyewitnesses reported higher speeds of the two cars involved in a collision.
Imagination Inflation
Increased confidence in a false memory after imagining it
DRM Procedure
Participants study set of highly related words
Recovered Memory
Memory of traumatic event that is suddenly recovered after blocking it for number of years. Controversy over accuracy of these.