Chapter 6 Vocabulary Flashcards
a revival of learning in the beginning of the 14th century
Johannes Gutenberg
invented the movable - type printing press
the structure of humans, animals, and plants
a technique for adding dimensions to figures in artwork
a technique for adding depth to paintings
Leonardo da Vinci
Italian artist of the renaissance who is well known for the last supper and the Mona Lisa
The Last Supper
a famous painting by da Vinci
Mona Lisa
famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci
renaissance artist best known for his painting on the ceiling of Sistine Chapel in Rome
Sistine Chapel
a famous building in rome whose ceiling was painted by michelangelo
sculpted the door of the baptistery of Florence
designed the dome for the cathedral of Florence
subjects such as literature, philosophy, art, history, grammer, and speech that covered a wide spectrum human interests and experiences
a pioneer of renaissance humanism and a central figure in Italian literature; known as the father of humanism
Father of Humanism
nickname for Petrarch
an Italian author who wrote the courtier
worked for the government in Florence; observed political events in Europe + wrote The Prince
highly regarded scholar of the renaissance who mastered latin + greek
Thomas More
served on King Henrys VIII + wrote Utopia
Roman Catholic doctrine that the bread + wine of the lords supper changed into the body + blood of Christ
a roman church court set up to find and punish heretics
a document issued by the church of rome granting pardon from the punishment of certain sins
John Wycliffe
a pastor, teacher, and theologian in england that produced the first bible in the english language
John Huss
a pastor in bohemia who was influenced by Wyciliffe’s teachings and was burned at the stake