chapter 19 vocab Flashcards
konrad adenauer -
german chancellor under whose leadership west germany experienced an incredible recovery
charles de gaulle -
president of france who established the fifth republic
fifth republic
government established by charles de gaulle, president of france
liberal democratic party
party that ruled japan until political scandals led the japanese to replace it with a coalition government
marshall plan
distribution of funds from the united states enabled europe to rapidly rebuild and retool for a strong economic recovery
common market
another name for the european economic community; an organization that promotes economic cooperation in europe
formed in 1949 to oppose soviet aggression
united nations
organized by diplomats representing fifty nations; founded to ensure international peace
cold war
political rivalry and conflict of ideas that stopped short of actual war between the us and the ussr (1945-1991)
republic of china
established on the island of taiwan by chiang kai-shek
great leap forward
new economic plan announced by mao zedong; inefficient and resulted in famine
cultural revolution
mao zedong social and political purge that resulted in political chaos and economic upheaval for a decade
tiananmen square
site of a student protest in china in 1989 that was violently ended by the military
berlin blockade
the soviets blocking of all traffic through east germany into west berlin; ended due to a massive airlift of supplies by the united states and britain
south korean city that was the site of a daring attack by a UN force composed of american and south korean troops
38th parallel
line of latitude used to divide korea into north and south
ho chi minh
vietnamese communist leader; resisted french colonialism and declared vietnam independent
dien bien phu
battle in 1954 in which vietnamese communists defeated french forces
viet cong
vietnamese communist agents who tried to take over south vietnam
contributed to american and european appeasement
first man-made satellite; launched by the soviets in 1957
mohandas gandhi
led a movement known as passive resistance to achieve independence
passive resistance
resisting foreign rule by nonviolent means (strikes, not paying taxes )
third world
regions that remained neutral during the cold war