CHAPTER 6 Vocab A-N Flashcards
A visual image that persists after a stimulus is removed
A significant memory loss that is too extensive to be due to normal forgettin
Loss of memory for events that occur after a head injury
Anterograde amnesia
Focusing awareness on a narrowed range of stimuli or events
A group of familiar stimuli stored as a single unit
the tendency to remember similar or related items in groups
The mental processes involved in acquiring knowlege
A multilevel classification system based on common properties among items
Conceptual hierarchy
Parallel distributed processing models
Connectionist models
A hypothetical process involving the gradual conversion of information into durable memory codes stored in long-term memories
The idea that forgetting occurs because memory traces fade with time
Decay theory
Memory for factual information
Declarative memory system
Paivio’s theory that memory is enhanced by forming semantic and visual codes, since either can lead to recall
Dual-coding theory
Linking a stimulus to other information at the time of encoding
Sending a weak electric current into a brain structure to stimulate it