CHAPTER 10 Vocab A-G Flashcards
Changing existing mental structures to explain new experiences
The age at which a baby can survive in the event of premature birth
Age of Viability
The principal class of gonadal hormones in males
The belief that all things are living
Interpreting new experiences in terms of existing mental structures without changing them
A close, emotional bond of affection between infants and their caregivers
An in-depth investigation of an individual subject
Case study
The tendency to focus on just one feature of a problem, neglecting other important aspects
The head-to-foot direction of motor development
Cephalocaudal trend
Threadlike strands of DNA molecules that carry genetic info
Transitions in youngster’ patterns of thinking, including reasoning, remembering and problem solving
Cognitive development
An intent to maintain a relationship in spite of the difficulties and costs that may arise
Piaget’s term for the awareness that physical quantities remain constant in spite of changes in their shape or appearance
The structure that connects the two cerebral hemispheres
Corpus callosum
A research design in which investigators compare groups of subjects of differing age who are observed at a single point in time
Cross-sectional design
One’s ability to apply acquired skills and knowledge in problem solving
Crystallized intelligence
An abnormal conditioned marked by multiple cognitive defects that include memory impairment
The sequence of age-related changes that occur as a person progresses from conception to death
The average age at which individuals display various behaviors and abilites
Developmental norms
An increase in the strength of a habituated response elicited by a new stimulus
A limited ability to share another person’s viewpoint
The second stage of prenatal development, lasting from two weeks until the end of the second month
Embryonic stage
A subjective conscious experience (cognitive component) accompanied by bodily arousal (physiological component) and by characteristic overt expressions (behavioral component)
Chronological or temporally dated recollections of personal experiences
Episodic memory system
The principal class of gonadal hormones in females
A sequence of stages that families tend to progress through
Family life ccle
A collection of congenital (inborn) problems associated with excessive alcohol use during pregnancy
Fetal alcohol syndrome
The third stage of prenatal development, lasting from two months though birth
Fetal stage
A physiological reaction to threat in which the autonomic nervous system mobilizes the organism for attacking or fleeing
Fight-or-Flight response
One’s reasoning ability, memory capacity, and speed of information processing
Fluid intelligence
Culturally constructed distinctions between masculinity and femininity
Actual disparities between the sexes in typical behavior or average ability
Gender differences
Expectations about what is appropriate behavior for each sex
Gender roles
Widely held beliefs about males’ and females’ abilities, personality traits, and behavior
Gender stereotypes
DNA segments that serve as the key functional units in hereditary transmission
The first phase of prenatal development, encompassing the first two weeks after conception
Germinal stage