Chapter 6 - Psychometrics Flashcards
What is a measure of a test’s internal consistency?
Cronbach’s Alpha
What is the probability of type 1 error?
What is the probability theorem employed in decision analysis to allow the posterior probability of an event to be calculated?
Bayes’ theorem
What is the probability of making a type 2 error in hypothesis testing?
What is the theorem that states if an independent variable has finite variances then standard expression of the sum will be normally distributed?
Central limit theorem
What is the multi variate stat technique used to describe differences between two or more groups on a set of measures or to classify subjects into groups on the basis of a set of measures?
Discriminant analysis
What is another name for type II error?
False negative
What is another name for type I error?
False positive
What is the error that occurs when a test incorrectly indicates the absence of a particular trait or condition when that trait or condition actually occurs?
False negative
Type II error
Beta error
What is the error that occurs when a test incorrectly indicates the presence of a trait or condition when non genuinely exists?
False positive
Type I error
Alpha error
What is a measure of reliability reflecting agreement among raters that is adjusted for the expected level of chance agreement?
What is a measure of internal consistency for tests with dichotomous variables?
Kuder-Richardson formula
What is a correlation coefficient that expresses the relationship between the criterion scores and an additive combination of predictor scores?
Multiple correlation
What is a measure of the relationship between two variables that exists after accounting for the relationship of a third measure to each of the two variables?
Partial correlation
What is the summary assessment of the ability of a test to discriminate between groups, taking into account measurement error?
Person separation index
What is the probability of a specific result on a test?
Predictive accuracy
What is the ability of a test to predict a specific criterion?
Predictive validity
What is the ratio of the number of times the event of interest occurs relative to the number of opportunities for the event to occur?
What is a multi variate statistical technique that evaluates whether profiles differ in terms of shape and overall elevation?
Profile analysis
What is the plot of the probability of detecting a condition against that probability of false alarms?
Receiver operating characteristic curve
What is used to establish optimal cut-offs for prediction of binary outcomes?
ROC curve
What is a method of statistical analysis in which a single outcome variable is related to one or more predictor variables by examining the tendency for scores on the outcome to move in concert with scores on the predictors?
Regression analysis
What is the tendency for scores at the extremes of a distribution to migrate toward the mean on repeated assessment due to increased probability closer to the center of the distribution?
Regression toward the mean
What is used to determine whether changes present on follow-up testing exceed what is considered to result from the methodological aspects associated with repeat assessment?
Reliable change index
What is the reliability change index based on?
Test-retest reliability
Standard error of the test
Practice effects
What is the ability to detect the presence of a signal from background noise?
Signal detection theory
What is an estimate of the accuracy of a prediction of test performance, based on the difference between the obtained score and the predicted score, the number of pairs of scored and the reliability of the test
Standard error of the estimate
What is a measure of the variability of scores obtained on a test relative to the true scores?
Standard error of measurement
How does the size of a sample affect the standard error of the mean?
Larger the sample, smaller the standard error of the mean
What is a score transformed to reflect its distance from the mean measures in SD units?
Standard score
What is the process of selecting a random sample from specific groups to ensure adequate representation of demographic groups?
Stratified sample
What is a test of differences between sample means based on the student’s distribution?
T test
What is the measure of the degree to which scores deviate from the mean