Chapter 5.2 - Engine Systems & Instruments Flashcards
Name the 6 main engine systems?
- Ignition-Starter System.
- Induction and Carburettor System.
- Fuel System.
- Lubrication System.
- Cooling System.
- Exhaust System.
Why should a pilot perform a Magneto check before flight?
To ensure each Magneto, its Spark Plugs and Ignition Switch are functioning correctly.
When performing a Magneto check what should be expected?
A slight drop in RPM.
What should you do if the Magneto check RPM drop is too large?
Stop the Engine as one or more Spark Plugs may not be firing.
What should you do if the Magneto check RPM has no drop?
Stop the Engine as Magneto and/or Ignition Switch may be fault.
What should you do if there is a ‘dead cut’ (engine stops) during Magneto check?
Stop the Engine as one of the Magneto is not working.
What’s the name of the device which helps Magneto?
Impulse Coupling.
What’s the main function of Impulse Coupling?
To provide a hot, retarded spark for easy starting of the Engine.
What’s the purpose of the Induction System?
To duct the air from the Engine to the Fuel Control Unit and then to the Cylinders.
What is an Air-Filter in the Induction System?
To remove solid matter from the air.
What is an Intake Duct in the Induction System?
Connects the filter to the Fuel Control Unit.
What is an Inlet Manifold in the Induction System?
Distributes Fuel-Air mixture from the Carburettor to the each Cylinders.
What is an Alternate Air Valve in the Induction System?
A Valve that opens if the filter becomes blocked.
What is a Carburettor Air Control Valve in the Induction System?
Manually-operated Valve that shuts off the filtered air and allows heated fresh air to enter the intake duct.
Define ‘Ram-Air’?
The air entering the intake duct through the air filter.
What is the purpose of the Carburation System?
To control the amount of air drawn into the Engine and the correct fuel required for engine operating conditions.
What’s the correct fuel to mix with air ratio (Chemically Correct Mixture – CCM)?
What does it mean when fuel mixture is Rich?
Contains more fuel than the reference mixture.
What does it mean when fuel mixture is Lean?
Contains less fuel than the reference mixture.
Best/Cruise Power for Engine Performance is achieved with what fuel/air mixture?
Slightly Richer than Chemically Correct Ratio.
Low Engine Speeds or Idling is achieved with what fuel/air mixture?
Much Richer than Chemically Correct Ratio.
Name the 3 components of a Carburation System?
- Fuel Control Unit.
- Throttle ‘butterfly’ Valve.
- Mixture Control Mechanism.
How does a Pilot stop the Engine?
By pushing the Mixture Control lever to IDLE CUT-OFF Position.
What is the purpose of the Fuel System?
To provide a storage of fuel and supply adequate flow to the Carburettor/Fuel Injection Unit.
Where are Fuel Tanks on an Aircraft?
How is Fuel fed to an Engine in Low-Wing Aircrafts?
Engine-driven Fuel Pump to the Carburettor.
How is Fuel fed to an Engine in High-Wing Aircrafts?
Gravity-fed to the Carburettor.
Name two types of Pumps in a Pump-fed System on Low-Wing Aircrafts?
- Engine-driven.
- Electrically-driven.
Electric boost pumps much be switched on during what (3)?
- Takeoffs.
- Landings.
- Switching Fuel Tanks.
When switching Fuel Tanks in a Pump-fed System what must stay on?
Electric Boost Pump.
What are the two fuel grades used in Australia?
- 100/130.
- 100 LL.
What colour is 100/130 fuel grade?