Chapter 5 Flashcards
Chemicals secreted into the bloodstream that travel throughout the body
Endocrine system
Collection of glands which produce and release hormones
Brain structure that regulates basic biological needs and motivational systems
Pituitary gland
Receives input from hypothalamus
Produces endorphins and testosterone
Master gland that produces hormones and sends commands about hormone production to other glands
A person subjective awareness.
Includes thoughts, perceptions, experiences, and self-awareness.
Circadian rhythms
Internally driven daily cycles. Approximately 24 hours.
Affects  physiological and behavioural processes
Biological rhythms become synchronized to external cues
Ex) light, temp, clocks 
Endogenous Rhythms
Biological rhythms generated by our body, independent of external cues
Set of objective measurements used to examine physiological variables during sleep, such as breathing, body temp, muscle activity.
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Measures excitatory and inhibitory activity in groups of neurons in the brain
Beta waves
Involves wakefulness (person is alert and awake)
High frequency (15-30Hz) , low amplitude
Alpha waves
Daydreaming, meditating, falling asleep
Lower frequency (8-14Hz)
Theta waves (stage 1-2)
Breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate decrease. Still sensitive to external stimuli
Lower frequency (4-8Hz)
Delta waves (Stage 3-4)
Deep sleep
Low frequency (<3Hz) , high amplitude
REM (rapid eye movements)
Stage of sleep characterized by: quickening brain waves, inhibited body movement, rapid eye movements.
Approx. 20-25% of total sleep
Sleep deprivation
Occurs when an individual cannot or does not sleep
Sleep displacement
Occurs when an individual is prevented from sleeping at the normal time
Ex) jet lag, caffeine, new work schedule 
Insomnia disorder
Extreme lack of sleep
Often related to other conditions
Vivid and disturbing dreams occurring during REM sleep
Night terrors
Intense panic and arousal that wake up the individual and induce a heightened emotional state.
Occurs during non-REM sleep
REM behaviour disorder
Individuals appear to act out the content of their dreams.
(Condition that does not show the restriction of movement typically seen during REM sleep.)
Somnambulism (sleepwalking)
Involves wandering and performing other activities while asleep.
Occurs during non-REM sleep (stages 3-4)
Engagement in sexual activity/ vocalizations while asleep.
Occurs during non rem sleep (stages 3-4)
Sleep apnea
Characterized by an obstruction of airflow, Temporarity causing an inability to breathe during sleep