Chapter 13 Flashcards
Kurt Lewin
His theory:
Behaviour = a function of the person and the environment (social environment)
Occurs on two individuals’ speech, language, and physiological activity becomes similar during social interaction
Copying the behaviors, emotional displays, and facial expressions of others
(Usually an unconscious practice) 
Social norms
Guidelines on how to behave in social context
(usually “unwritten rules” or implied)
Being ignored or excluded from social contact
Social roles
Guidelines that apply to specific positions within a group
Ex. Parent-child, student-prof
Social loafing
A member of a group puts less effort into working on a task than others.
Social facilitation
A group members performance is affected by the presence of others.
Ex) a novice baseball players performance effected by pressure of huge crowd 
Change in behaviour to fit in with a group, similar to mimicry.
(Potentially unintentional) 
Normative influence conforming
Social pressure to adapt to a groups perspective in order to be accepted by the group
Informational influence conforming
Genuine interest in the information provided by the group
Based on a common desire to not upset the balance of a group of people: a group reaches a consensus without critical reasoning or evaluating the consequences/alternatives.
The bystander effect
An individual is less likely to help when there are other people present who are also not helping
Helping others in need without receiving or expecting a reward for doing so
Social cognition
Combines influence of social context and cognition (thought processes) 
Explicit process of consciousness
Conscious thought.
Deliberate, effortful, relatively slow, and under intentional control.
Implicit process of consciousness
Unconscious thoughts.
Intuitive, automatic, effortless, very fast, operates mostly outside intentional control
Dual-process models
Models of behaviour that account for both implicit and explicit processes
Organized clusters of knowledge, beliefs, and expectations that influence our attention and perceptual processes.
(Essentially a bias) (🫰)
“Best guess” problem-solving strategies based on prior experiences
Person perception
Process by which individuals categorize and form judgements about other people
Can occur very quickly
Ex) first impressions
Naïve realism
Assumption that our perceptions of reality are accurate, and we see things the way they are
(The way I am should be the way everyone is) 
False consensus effect
The tendency to project one’s self-concept and beliefs onto the social world
Self-serving biases
Biased ways of processing self relevant information to enhance our positive self evaluation.
Ex) Taking credit for success or blaming other people for failures