Chapter 16 Flashcards
Movement of large numbers of psychiatric patients from their care facilities back to regular society
Residential treatment centres
Housing facilities in which residents receive psychological therapy and life skill training
Community psychology
Focusses on identifying how an individuals mental health is influenced by their community
Insight therapies
General term referring to therapy that involves dialogue between patient and therapist for the purposes of gaining awareness and understanding the psychological problems
Psychodynamic therapies
Form of insight therapy that emphasizes the need to discover and resolve unconscious conflicts
(Sigmund Freud)
Intended to help patients become aware of their unconscious urges
Modern psychodynamic therapies
Focus more on the patients conscious experience rather than their unconscious experience
Object relations therapy
Variation of psychodynamic therapy that focusses on how early childhood experiences and attachments influence later functioning
Phenomenological approach
Addresses the clients feelings and thoughts as they unfold in the present moment, rather than looking for unconscious motives are focussing on past events
Client-centred therapy
Focusses on individuals abilities to solve their own problems and reach their full potential with the encouragement of a therapist
(Carl rogers)
Behavioural therapies
Attempt to directly address problem behaviours and the environmental factors that trigger them
Aversive conditioning
A behavioural technique that involves replacing a positive response to stimulus with a negative response
Systematic desensitization
Gradual exposure to a feared stimulus or situation that is paired with relaxation training
Anxiety hierarchy
List of fearful stimuli ranging from least fearful to most fearful.
Exposing the client to the most challenging, anxiety inducing aspect of the behavior/situation.
Group Therapy
Grouping people together based on similar issues, individuals benefit from bonding and support provided by other group members.
Ex) AA
Family therapy
Helpful when a clients difficulties are reinforced by unhealthy dynamics within the family. May help family deal with specific family members who demonstrate disruptive or dysfunctional behavioural issues
Systems approach⁉️
Views an individuals symptoms as being influenced by multiple interacting systems.
Biomedical approach
Involves using drugs, surgery, and other medical procedures to alter central nervous system functioning to correct problems thought to be biological nature
The use of drugs to manage or reduce symptoms, usually paired with another form of therapy
Psychotropic drugs
Medication designed to alter psychological functioning.
A common form of treatment
Medication is designed to reduce symptoms of depression
Mood stabilizers
Drugs used to prevent or reduce the severity of mood swings experienced by people with bipolar disorder
Antianxiety drugs
Influence the activity of GABA (Inhibitory neurotransmitter that reduces neural activity)