Chapter 43: Geriatric Emergencies Flashcards
A person over sixty five years
A person over 80 years of age
Scientific study of the effects of aging and of age related diseases on humans
The study and treatment of diseases of the aged
Functional impairment
Decreased ability to meet daily needs on a independent basis
Having more than one disease at a time
Inability to swallow or difficulty swallowing
Multiple drug therapy in which there is a concurrent use of a number of drugs
To retain urine or feces because of loss of sphincter control or cerebral or spinal lesions
Transient ischemic attack
Reversible interruption of blood flow to the brain; Often seen as a precursor to a stroke
Medical condition in which the lense of the eye loses its clearness
Medical condition where the pressure within the eye increases
Subjective reading or tingling sound in the year
Meniere’s disease
A disease of the inner ear characterized by vertigo, nerve deafness, and a roar or buzzing in the year.
Exaggeration of the normal posterior curvature of the spine
Anoxic hypoxemia
Oxygen deficiency due to disordered pulmonary mechanisms of oxygenation.
An increase in the size or bowl of an organ
The formation of fiber like connective tissue, also called scar tissue, in organ
Marfan Syndrome
Hereditary condition of connective tissue, bone, muscles, ligaments, and skeletal structures characterized by irregular and unsteady gait, tall lean body type with long extremities, flat feet, and stooped shoulders. The aorta is unusually dilated and may become weakened enough to allow an aneurysm to develop.
Hiatal Hernia
Protrusion of the stomach upward into the mediastinal cavity through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm.
Softening of bone tissue due to the loss of essential minerals, principally calcium.
The functional units of the kidneys
Immune Senescence
Diminished vigor of the immune response to the challenge and rechallenge by pathogens
Silent myocardial infarction
In myocardial infarction that occurs without exhibiting obvious signs and symptoms
Two pillow orthopnea
The number of pillows– in this case two to– need to ease the difficulty of breathing while lying down; a significant factor in assessing the level of respiratory distress.
Excessive urination during the night
Enlarged liver
Aortic dissection
A degeneration of the wall of the aorta
At a normal dilation of a blood vessel, usually an artery, due to a congenital defect or a weakness in the wall of the vessel.
An abnormal dilation of a vein or group of veins
Autonomic dysfunction
An abnormality of the involuntary aspect of the nervous system
Valsalva’s maneuver
Forced exhalation against a closed glottis, such as with coughing. This maneuver stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system via the vagus nerve, which in turn slows the heart rate.
Stokes-Adams Syndrome
A series of symptoms resulting from the heart block, most commonly syncope. The symptoms result from decreased blood flow to the brain caused by the sudden decrease in cardiac output.
Sick sinus syndrome
A group of disorders characterized by dysfunction of the senatorial nod in the heart.
Injury to or death of brain tissue resulting from interruption of cerebral blood flow and oxygenation.
Brain ischemia
Injury to brain tissue caused by an in adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Leading that occurs between the arachnoid and the Dura Mater of the brain.
Intracerebral hemorrhage
Bleeding directly into the brain
In excess of red blood cells
The sensation of faintness or dizziness; may cause a loss of balance
Resistance to cure, relief, or control.
A deterioration of mental status that is usually associated with structural neurologic disease. It is often progressive and irreversible.
And that you told to mental functioning that is often reversible
Senile dementia
General term used to describe an abnormal decline in mental functioning seen in the elderly; also called “Organic brain syndrome” or “ Multi – infarct dementia”.
Absence for impairment of the ability to communicate through speaking, writing, or signing as a result of brain dysfunction
Alzheimer’s disease
A progressive, degenerative disease that attacks the brain and result in impaired memory, thinking, and behavior. It affects 4 million American adults.
Parkinson’s disease
Chronic, degenerative nervous disease characterized by tremors, muscular weakness and rigidity, and a loss of postural reflexes.
Shy-Drager Syndrome
Chronic orthostatic hypotension caused by a primary autonomic nervous system deficiency.