Chapter 32 Flashcards
adsum adesse adfuī adfutūrus
to be near or by; to be present, at hand
aloft, on high; high; high up; deeply, deep; comp., altius, higher (> altus)
amputō amputāre
to cut around, cut away, lop off, prune
apprehendō apprehendere apprehendī apprehēnsum
to seize, take hold of
argenteus –a –um
(made of) silver
artifex –icis m.
an artist; artificis scelus, the iniquity of the deceiver = the accursed falsifier; subtle schemer, artful deviser (> ars and facio)
battuō battuere
pound, beat; fence
blandus –a –um
flattering, charming, pleasant; attractive
cachinnus cachinnī m.
loud laugh, immoderate laughter, jeering
carnifex –icis m.
circumdūcō –dūcere –dūxī –ductum
to lead around, draw around
coitus coitūs m.
meeting, encounter, gathering; conjunction; meeting place, coalescence, union, sexual intercourse; fertilization; gathering, collection
collum collī m.
neck; throat; head and neck; severed head; upper stem (flower); mountain ridge
cōmis(s)or –āre
to carouse
contus –ī m.
a pole
cultrārius –(i)ī m.
the priestly attendant responsible for splitting the throat of a stunned victim
dēdō dēdere dēdidī dēditus
to give up, surrender, devote
dētrūdō –ere –trūsī –trūsus
to thrust down or away; push off from; drive from, thrust out; thrust down
dēdicātiō –ōnis f.
consecration, dedication
dē–collō –āre
to behead, rob
dictum dictī n.
word; saying
efferō efferre extulī ēlātus
to carry out; bring out; carry out for burial; raise; transport (emotionally)