Chapter 3 Flashcards
accidō accidere accidī –––
to fall, befall, happen
such a point; precisely, exactly; thus far; indeed, truly; even
adeō adīre adīvī/adiī aditus
to approach; attack; visit, address; undertake; take possession (inheritance)
adgredior or aggredior aggredī aggressus sum
to approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt
amīcitia amīcitiae f. ***
amor amōris m. **
animus animī m. *****
(rational) soul, mind; spirit; pl., strong feelings
assiduus –a –um
established, steady
benevolentia benevolentiae f.
goodwill, benevolence
caedō caedere cecīdī caesus
to chop, hew, cut out/down/to pieces; strike, smite, murder; slaughter; sodomize
causa causae f. *****
reason, cause; case; lawsuit
cēterus –a –um; often pl. cēterī –ae –a ***
the other, remainder, rest (of), remaining part (of); pl. the rest, the others
cibus cibī m.
cīvīlis cīvīlis cīvīle
of/affecting fellow citizens; civil; legal; public; political; unassuming
clādēs clādis f.
disaster, destruction
clārus –a –um **
bright, clear; famous, distinguished
clientēla –ae f.
clientship, patronage, protection, the relation of a client to his patron
cognōscō cognōscere cognōvī cognitus **
to come to know, learn, recognize; in perfect, know; conduct an inquiry or trial
colligō colligere collēgī collēctus *
to collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep together; combine; harvest; pick up;obtain/acquire, amass; rally; recover; sum up; deduce, infer; compute, add up
hand to hand; immediately; near at hand. (> com– and manus)
cōmoedia –ae f.
comperiō comperīre comperī compertus
to learn, discover, find (by investigation); verify, know for certain; find guilty
comportō comportāre comportāvī comportātus
to bring together, carry away
conciliō conciliāre conciliāvī conciliātus
to advise, bring together, unite, reconcile, make friendly, win over, conciliate
congruō –gruere –gruī —
to coincide, agree; be suited to
it is evident
contingō contingere contigī contāctus *
to touch; reach (to); border on, be connected with; affect, hit; take hold, seize; color/stain; lay hands on, appropriate; smite; affect emotionally, move/touch; happen, befall, turn out, come to pass, be granted to one; be produced
crūs –ūris n.
shin, leg
dē *****
down from, about, concerning; starting at (a point in time)
dēcrētum dēcrētī n.
decision, decree
dēvōtiō –ōnis f.
a consecrating; allegiance, devotedness; (in Christian authors) piety, devotion, worship.
dispergō –ere –spersī –spersus
to sprinkle, shower around; disperse, scatter; diffuse, dissolve (> dis– and spargo)
dīvexō –āre
to drag about; ravage; harass
dō dare dedī datus *****
to give; dedicate; sell; pay; grant/bestow/impart/offer/lend; devote; allow; make; surrender/give over; send to die; ascribe/attribute; give birth/produce; utter
doctrīna –ae f.
teaching, doctrine, learning
dōmesticus –ī m. (usually plural)
member of a household
domus domī f. **
house, home
efficāx –ācis
effectual, powerful, efficient
ēgregius –a –um *
singular; distinguished; exceptional; extraordinary; eminent; excellent
ēloquentia –ae f.
equus equī m. **
horse; steed
foederātus –a –um
federated, bound by treaty (to Rome)
out of doors, outside, abroad
fortitūdō fortitūdinis f.
genus generis n. **
descent, origin; race, stock; kind, sort
gracilitās –ātis f.
slenderness, thinness