Chapter 27- Sexually Transmitted Disease Flashcards
What is AIDS
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome
* is a disease caused by a virus
What is HIV
- human immune deficiency virus
- it’s a virus
- it causes AIDS
Transmission of HIV/AIDS
- Sexual intercourse with infected person
- Contaminated needles
- Infected blood transmission
- During breast feeding
Symptoms of AIDS
Nothing specific, but generally fever, fatigue, diarrhoea, headaches, chest pains ect
The effects of AIDS
- it destroys the immune system
* rendering the person unable to fight any other diseases
Treatment of AIDS
- no cure and no vaccine
- antiretroviral drugs can prolong person’s life
- antibiotics weaken the bacteria’s cell wall
Prevention of AIDS
- abstain from sex
- use condoms
- only use sterilised needles
- health education
Explanation of decrease in numbers of HIV
- people are using condoms
- people practice more abstinence
- people don’t share needles
- increased awareness of precaution, risk and transmission
Describe increased vulnerability to other illnesses
- the immune system is weakened
- less antibody production
- opportunistic diseases will be able to invade
- will result in death
Socio-economics conveniences of HIV/ AIDS pandemic
- loss of young adults in productive years
- people will be too sick to work
- members of household may miss school and work to take care
- children are removed from school to save on educational expenses
Transmission of syphilis
- through sexual intercourse
- can contract the bacteria
- the bacteria multiply in the body and cause syphilis
Symptoms of syphilis
Stage 1: small painless sores develops on lips, mouth and sex organs
Stage 2: a person develops red skin rashes, ulcers, swollen lymph glands and flu like symptoms
Stage 3: person can become paralysis, blind, insane and eventually die
Effects of syphilis
- long term crippling disease
- pregnant women can send it on to babies
- often results in miscarriage
Treatment of syphilis
- caused by bacteria can be treated
- early stages can be treated by antibiotic Penicillin
- antibiotics weaken the cell wall
Prevention of syphilis
Stay away from the dark rooms
- Abstinence
- use condoms
Transmission of Gonorrhoea
- during sexual activities with infected person
- can contract bacteria
- bacteria multiply and cause gonorrhoea
Symptoms of gonorrhoea ( males )
- burning pain during urination
- thick yellow discharge
- painful swollen testes
Symptoms of gonorrhoea ( females )
- burning pain during urination
- increased yellow discharge
Effects of gonorrhoea (male)
- tested become infected
- sperm ducts become blocked
- leads to sterility
Effects of gonorrhoea (females)
- uterus becomes infected
- oviducts become blocked
- leads to sterility
- babies can become blind
Treatment of gonorrhoea
- caused by bacteria can be treated
- penicillin can be treat early stages
- antibiotics weaken the cell wall of bacteria
Prevention of gonorrhoea
Again stay away from the dark rooms
- abstinence
- using condoms
Define STD
• sexually transmitted disease is caused by pathogen that can be passed on during sexual intercourse