Chapter 22: The Heart Flashcards
Right Side of Heart (recieves blood from)
- Recieves blood from the body and then pumps to lungs
Lefts Side of heart (recieves blood from)
Recieves blood from lungs and then pumps to body
The circulation between the heart and lungs is known as…
Pulmonary Circulation
The _______ circulation entails blood from the heart TO the body…
Systemic Circulation
A “vein” can be thought of as…
a blood vessel which carries blood BACK to the heart.
Arteries can be best thought of as…
Blood vessels that carry blood AWAY from the heart
The heart is surrounded by the “pericardial sac” otherwise known as the…

The space around the heart created by the pericardium is known as…
Pericardial Cavity
Identify space “1” in the slide.

Pericardial Cavity
Identify 1 and 2

- Parietal serous pericardium
- Visceral Serous Pericardium
The _______ is a serous membrane that forms the outer layer of the heart wall
Visceral Pericardium
The ________ is a seros membrane attached directly to the fibrous layer.
Parietal Paricardium
The _________ forms a thick outer layer of connective tissue around the entire heart and pericardium.
Fibrous Pericardium
Number 1 in this picture is a general structure known as the _____ of the heart?

There are four chambers of the heart, what are the three shown here?

- Right Atrium
- Right Ventricle
- Left Ventricle
Identify the view that this picture of the heart is (anterior/posterior) and the four chambers of the heart in ascending order based on the numbers in this picture.

Posterior View
- Left Atrium
- Left Ventricle
- Right Ventricle
- Right Atrium
Identify the view that this picture of the heart is (anterior/posterior) and the four chambers of the heart in ascending order based on the numbers in this picture.

- Right Atrium
- Right Ventricle
- Left Ventricle
- Left Atrium
The two ventricles are seperated by the…
Interventricular Septum
The blue star idicated which structure?

Interventricular Septum
Which ventricle is “larger”/ “More muscular”?
Left Ventricle (b/c it has to pump blood to the body)
What is the name of the structure indicated by the green star?

Trabeculae Carneae
If the ventricles are seperated by the interventricular septum, the two atria are probably seperated by ______ septum.
“Inter”Atrial (Interatrial)
Identify this structure highlighted in red

Interatrial Septum
Identify the structure indicated by the star

Fossa Ovalis
Identify (1) and (2) in the image and what view of the heart is this (anterior/posterior)

- Superor Vena Cava
- Inferior Vena Cava
The heart sounds are caused by…
Closing of valves
There are two semilunar valves, what are they?
- Pulmonary Valve
- Aortic Valve
There are two antriventricular (AV) valves, what are they?
- Left Atrioventricular Valve (Bicuspid/Mitral Valve)
- Right Atrioventricular Valve (Tricuspid Valve)
The “Lubb” sound (S1) is associated with the _______ valves closing
The “dupp” sound is associated with the ______ valves closing.
- Semilunar
This is diagnosed as what type of heart issue?

Mitral stenosis
This is diagnosed as what type of heart issue?

Mitral regurgitation
This is diagnosed as what type of heart issue

Aortic Stenosis
This is diagnosed as what type of heart issue

Aortic Regurgitation
Number 1 is…

Right coronary artery
Number 2 is…

Circumflex artery
Number 3 is…

Left Coronary artery
Number 4 is…

Anterior Interventricular Artery
Number 1 is…

Posterior Left Ventricular Artery
Number 2 is…

Circumflex artery
Number 3 is…

Right Coronary artery
Number 4 is…

Posterior Interventricular artery
Identify number 1

Coronary Sinus
Identify number 2

Great Cardiac vein
Identify number 3

Posterior vein of left ventricle
Number 4 is…?

Small cardiac vein
Number 5 is…

Middle cardiac vein
Number 1 is..

Anterior Cardiac Veins
Number 2 is…

Small cardiac vein
Number 3 is…

Great (like you… yes you :] ) Cardiac Vein
Number 1 is…

Right coronary artery (in coronary sulcus)
Number 2 is…

Small cardiac vein
Number 3 is…

Anterior Cardiac Veins
Number 4 is…

Left coronary artery (in coronary sulcus)
Number 5 is…

Circumflex artery
Number 6 is…

Anterior Interventricular Artery
Number 1 is…

Great Cardiac Vein
Number 2….

Circumflex Artery
Number 5…

Coronary Sinus (in coronary sulcus)
Identify number 3…

Posterior Left Ventricular Artery
Number 8 is…

Posterior Vein of Left Ventricle
Number 4 is…

Small cardiac vein
Right coronary artery is which number?

Number 6
The posterior interventricular artery is identified by which number?

What is the order in which an electrical signal is sent across the heart in order beginning with the Sinoartrial Node (SA node)?
After the SA node discharges…
- Inernodal pathways
- Antrioventricular node
- Antrioventricular (AV) bundle (Bundle of His)
- Bundle Branches
- Purkinje fibers
What do the SA Node, Internodal pathways, Atrioventricular (AV) node, AV bundle, Bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers compose?
The Intrinsic Conducting system of the heart
What part of the intrinsic conducting system is the electrical impulse currently in?

SA Node
What part of the intrinsic conducting system is the electrical impulse currently in?

Internodal pathways
What part of the intrinsic conducting system is the electrical impulse currently in?

AV node
What part of the intrinsic conducting system is the electrical impulse currently in?

Bundle Branches
What part of the intrinsic conducting system is the electrical impulse currently in?

Purkinje Fibers
Peanut Butter
SA Node
Internodal pathways
AV node
AV bundle
Bundle Branches
Purkinje Fibers