Chapter 22-23 (Protists to Plants) Flashcards
alteration of generations
life cycle that has two alternating phases -> a haploid(n) phase and a diploid (2n) phase
animal-like protist
protozoa, eukaryotic heterotrophs that evolved into the first animals
group of seed plants that bear their seeds within a layer of tissue that protects the seed (like fruit) ; also called flowering plant
male reproductive structure in some plants that produces sperm
female structure in plants that produces eggs
regulatory substance produced in the tip of a growing plant that stimulates cell elongation and the growth of new roots
the leaf of a plant, usually flat or expanded portion of a leaf
group of plants that have specialized reproductive organs but lack vascular tissue; includes mosses and their relatives
first leaf or pair of leaves produced by the embryo of a seed plant
waxy, outer layer of a plant that comes in contact with the environment and protects the plant by keeping in moisture
angiosperm with two seed leaves, broader leaves, taproot system, and flowers in group of 4 or 5 petals
multifunctional phytohormone that regulates both growth and senescence
*fibrous roots
part of a root system in which roots branch to such extend that no single root grows longer than the rest
fungus-like protist
decomposers ancestor; eukaryotic saprotrophs
gamete procuring plant; multicellular haploid phase of a plant life cycle is dominant
the growth of a plant part In response to gravity
*guard cell
specialized cell in the epidermis of plants that controls the opening and closing of stomata
group of seed plants that bear their seeds directly on the scales of cones, pollinated mainly by wind, and include pine/conifer trees
chemical produced in one part of organism that affects another part of the same organism
angiosperms with one seed leaf in its ovary, and flowers with groups of multiples of 3 petals
*nastic movements
very fast plant movements; NOT a type of tropism
no transport of materials up and down the stem; therefore must remain small and low to the ground, and have direct contact with water
they advertise flowers and attract insects, bird, etc. to pollinate and help plant reproduce
the stalk at the base of the leaf blade, attaching and supporting the leaf to the stem
vascular tissue that transports solutions of nutrients and sugar produced by photosynthesis through the plant
tendency of a plant to grow toward a light source
*pistil (carpel)
female part of flower, innermost structures consisting of an ovary, style, and stigma
first eukaryotes that evolved from prokaryotes and are most closely related to Archaea
spore producing plant; the multicellular diploid phase of a plant life cycle
male parts of flower, consists of a filament and anther; produce pollen, the immature male gametophyte
small opening in the epidermis of a plant that allows Carbon Dioxide, Water and Oxygen to diffuse into and out of the leaf
response of a plant to touch/contact
main central root of dicots
movement of a plant toward or away from stimuli
a plant system that is specialized for carrying fluids that include xylem and phloem
vascular tissue that carries water/nutrients upward from the roots to every part of a plant