Chapter 2: Tissues, Organs, and Functions Flashcards
The study of the functioning of living things, especially including above the level of individual biochemical pathways or, for multicellular organisms, including above the level of the functioning of individual cells.
The study of the morphology of living things, particularly the more macroscopic aspects of living things.
Cell division and cellular differentiation that results in conversion of an organism from immature or juvenile form to mature form.
Multiple cells possessing the same origin, displaying similar functions, and often similarly located within an organism.
Two or typically three layers of tissue found in early animal embryos that are the product of early cellular differentiation and specialization, and which are formed in the course of a developmental process known as gastrulation.
Primary tissues
Layers of cells that line surfaces, form glands, and serves as skin in animals.
Epithelial tissue
Groups of cells in animals specialized for contraction.
Muscle tissue
Groups of animal cells specialized in the conduction of information via impulses of membrane depolarization.
Nervous tissue
Groups of cells and often associated fibers in animals that are notable especially in terms of their association with a specialized extracellular matrix.
Connective tissue
Groups of similar types of animal cells that are both associated with excretion of collagen protein.
Fibrous connective tissue
Groups of similar types of animal cells that are associated with excretion of large amounts of collagen protein.
Dense connective tissue
Groups of similar types of animal cells that are associated with excretion of collagen protein and which are able to sustain fairly substantial amounts of reversible deformation.
Elastic connective tissue
Groups of similar types of animal cells that are associated with excretion of collagen protein and which are associated especially with a substantial amount of flexibility.
Loose connective tissue
Groups of similar types of animal cells that are associated with excretion of collagen protein and which provide an internal structural support to various soft organs.
Reticular connective tissue
Combination especially of epithelia, fibroblasts, and associated fibers.
Tissue membrane
The tissue that lines animal body cavities.
Serous membrane
Groups of cell types employed by the body to store fat.
Adipose tissue
Aspect of a body consisting of one or more cells that together are able to give rise to one or more specific processes.
Functional units
Multi-tissue, discrete structure within an organism’s body that is responsible for specific processes.
The largest of the discrete functional units making up bodies.
Organ system
Contractile tissue associated with organs and mostly not under voluntary control.
Smooth muscle
Volume within animals containing the central nervous system.
Dorsal cavity
Volume within animals containing the numerous internal organs other than the brain and spinal cord.
Ventral cavity
Volume within animals containing the heart and lungs.
Thoracic cavity
Pleural cavity
Volume within animals containing the lungs.
Pericardial cavity
Volume within animals containing the heart.
Volume within animals containing the bulk of internal organs as well as the bulk of the digestive system.
Abdominal cavity
Stem cells
Cells that supply the body with new cells by dividing and then differentiating into more specialized cells.