Chapter 10: Circulatory System I: Blood and Vessels Flashcards
Oxygen, nutrient, waste and also heat-carrying circulatory fluid associated with closed circulatory systems in animals.
Cell-enclosed tubes within which circulating fluids pass both from and to an associated heart.
Blood vessel
Cellular lining of blood vessels.
Blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart.
Small diameter blood vessels that immediately precede capillaries in circulation.
Smallest of blood vessels across which the oxygen, nutrients, wastes, carbon dioxide, and the water solution making up blood can readily cross.
Valves found at the start of the smallest of blood vessels that control blood flow particularly in response to oxygen needs of affected tissues.
Precapillary sphincter
Blood vessel carrying blood towards the heart.
The small diameter blood vessels that immediately follow capillaries in circulation.
Blood flow that goes from the heart to the lungs and then back to the heart
Pulmonary circulation
Drained interstitial fluid on its way to return via vessels to the blood.
Route by which interstitial fluid drains from tissues to return to blood.
Lymphatic vessel
The liquid portion of blood.
Blood protein involved structurally in blood clotting.
Blood proteins that serve to maintain the osmotic balance of blood.
Proteins found in blood involved in transport as well as immune functions as antibodies.
Naturally occurring non-proteinaceous anticoagulant added to blood to prevent clotting.
The liquid portion of blood minus fibrinogen.
Cells along with cell-like structures found in blood.
Formed elements
Oxygen-carrying formed elements that circulate in some abundance within blood.
Red blood cells
Alternative name for red blood cells.
Protein found in red blood cells that binds to and then carries oxygen.
Formed elements involved in an animal’s immune response.
White blood cells
Formed elements involved in blood clotting.
Aggregations of the protein fibrin to seal larger holes that can form in blood vessels due to injury.
Blood clot
Blood condition associated with predisposition to cardiovascular disease even independent of cholesterol levels.
Elevated triglyceride levels
Means by which the blood of different individuals can be distinguished in terms of its interaction with immune systems, as employed towards matching blood donors with recipients.
ABO blood group system
Means by which the blood of different individuals can be distinguished in terms of its interaction with immune systems, as important particularly in terms of blood transfusion as well as carriage of fetuses by mothers who are lacking in the associated antigen.
Rh blood group system