Chapter 2: Developing tensions to 1948 Flashcards
Expansion into Eastern Europe, Telegrams, Speeches, Doctrines
What are salami tactics?
Doing things in small increments to achieve a larger overall goal
What is rigging elections?
The removal of opposition using intimidation or oppression
What is a puppet state?
A state controlled by a larger one with more power and resources and is used to do what the controller wants
What was the percentages agreement?
Why was it a bit dodgy?
- 1944
- USSR and Britain agree to split countries in Eastern Europe
- USA + nations involved aren’t told
- Foreshadows expansion and gives Stalin a free pass.
Describe expansion into Poland
- Govt is in exile in London
- Stalin controls the Lublin Poles
- Weaken opposition and joins with the socialists to be dominant
- Deputy PM Gomulka was not pro Moscow so was accused of ‘nationalist deviation’ and replaced by Bierut who was pro stalin (1948)
Describe expansion into Hungary
- Communist party allied with other groups to remove opposition and gain support against bigger parties
- Opponents were arrested and elections rigged
- 1949 Communist leader Rajk executed for ‘anti soviet activities
- All political opposition disappeared in 1949
Describe expansion into Romania
- Communism was already popular as an alternate regime
- Red army occupied the country post war and encouraged communist demonstrations
- 1945 - red army disarmed Romanian army
- Forced the king to abdicate
Describe expansion into Czechoslovakia
- Communism was popular due to a large working class
- Communist leader (PM) Gottwald was willing to accept US aid - :(
- Due to growing communist opposition - all resigned in 1948
- Benes put in power to support communism - resigned June 1948 to give power to moscow
Describe expansion into Bulgaria
- Rigged elections and removed opposition
- Agrarian party = biggest opposition - leader executed and party absorbed into communist
- 1947 - all other parties banned
Describe expansion into Yugoslavia
- Communist govt already in place at the end of the war - leader = Tito
- Stalin wanted complete control but they didn’t want to be Soviet puppets
- 1948 expelled from cominform for ‘abandoning communism’
- Survived by US aid
How did security motivate expansion?
- Some countries were previous German allies
- Wanted a buffer zone against invasion
- 1945-8 red army move out of Europe for security at home
- However does act more aggressively than defensively
How was expansion motivated by ideology?
- Puts in communist govts to spread ideas
- Forces communism on countries - go out of their way for this –> rigs elections etc
- More about having his govt than a communist one –> removes communists who are not pro Stalin enough
How was power rivalry a motivator for expansion?
- Want loyalty
- More about his version of communism and control –> expel Yugoslavia, kill communist leader in Hungary
- Only wants power and influence
How did Stalin use salami tactics to expand?
- Czechoslovakia –> slowly gain power until the country is turned over to Moscow
- Bulgaria –> slowly removes opposition and gains support
How was expansion helped by rigging elections?
- Hungary –> removes and arrests opposition
- Bulgaria –> manipulates elections - bans all other parties
How did the existing popularity of communism help expansion?
- Yugoslavia –> already had a communist leader at the end of the war
- Romania –> had large support for communism as an alternate regime
How did Stalin use intimidation to expand?
- Hungary –> arrested opponents, executed communist leader
- Bulgaria –> executed leader of next largest party and banned all others
Kennan Telegram
- When was it?
- Who was it by?
- February 1946
- Kennan = 2nd ranking officer at Moscow embassy
What did the Kennan telegram say?
- Europe should be split into spheres of influence to make a line communism can’t cross
- Warned about USSR expansion
- Said US needed to be prepared to use force
- Odd as most expansion had not occurred yet
Iron Curtain Speech
- When was it?
- Who was it by?
- Where was it performed and significance of that?
- March 1946
- Churchill –> not PM anymore - can say opinion - used to dealing with Stalin
- Performed at an American Uni to Truman and some politicians –> was a test run for how people would react
What did the iron curtain speech say?
- USSR is expanding and the west must contain it –> call to arms
Pravda article
- When was it?
- What did it say?
- March 1946
- Response to iron curtain speech
- Stalin making a statement for his country
- Shows west as extremist and aggressive
- Justifies his expansion as wanting security against this aggression
Novikov Telegram
- When was it?
- Who was it by?
- What did it say?
- September 1946
- Novikov = Soviet ambassador in US
- Said the US was re-militarising - aggressive to east
- Actually due to WW2 but is bigged up
- Warns Stalin of perceived threat
Greek Civil War
- When was it?
- What was happening?
- How were the superpowers involved?
- 1946-9
- Communists vs monarchists
- GB support monarchists as Greece is part of their oil trade route –> run out of money so ask US for help
- Stalin doesn’t support communists –> holding % agreement and couldn;t ensure control
Truman Doctrine
- When was it?
- What was it?
- Why was it made?
- Consequences?
- March 1947
- Said the US would provide aid to nations under threat from ‘authoritarian forces’ (meaning USSR)
- Want to stop USSR expansion + prevent them helping in the Greek Civil War
- Demonises USSR to justify aggression
- Stalin sees the anti sovietness –> meets to make cominform
- When was it set up?
- What was it?
- September 1947
- Communist information bureau
- Alliance of communism against west
Zhdanov Doctrine
- When was it?
- What was it?
- 1946 ish
- Saw the division of the world