Chapter 14: President Nixon's Policies in Vietnam Flashcards
Vietnamisation, Cambodia, Laos, China, Peace talks
When did Nixon become president and for what party?
- Jan 1969
- Republican
What was Nixon’s aims in Vietnam?
- End war quickly
- Keep SV independent and non communist
- Peace with honour
- Concern about public opinion - esp after My Lai massacre 1968
What were the aims of Vietnamisation?
- To strengthen ARVN to be more effective
- Reduce ground troops numbers
- Hope to achieve peace by strengthening their negotiating position
What actions were taken for Vietnamisation?
- Troop withdrawal –> June 1969 - 543,000, June 1972 - 47,000
- Professionalised the actions of ARVN -> inc pay, career structure, equipment -> 82,000 1968 - 1mil 1970
How was Vietnamisation a success?
- ARVN now able to resist - 1972 spring offensive - had 5x less casualties than NV
- Op Linebacker - 150,000 tonnes bombs - boosted morale
How did Vietnamisation fail?
- ARVN - low morale, high casualties, corruption, high desertions, still dependent on US aid
When did the war enter Cambodia and what was the operation?
- March 1969
- Operation Menu
What were the aims of entering Cambodia?
- Destroy HCM trail
- Show commitment to SV
- Compensate for withdrawals from SV
- Pressure NV into a settlement
Why was Cambodia an increasing concern?
- 1970 - Cambodian leader overthrown by pro-US general Lon Nol
- NV back the opposing communist party - Khumer Rouge - led by Pol Pot
- Fear of communism spreading to Cambodia
How was Cambodia a success?
- NLF prevented by bombings
- Supplies destroyed and captured
- Reduced possibility of a NV offensive
How did Cambodia fail?
- NV strengthen communist support
- No strategic US gains
- US inc commitment while trying to withdraw
- Inc domestic criticism
- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution revoked
- Troops banned from anywhere except Vietnam by Congress
What was a domestic impact to these campaigns?
- Inc criticism esp after My Lai massacre
- 4 students shot at Kent state uni by guardsmen 1970
When did the war spread to Laos and what was the operation?
- Feb 1971
- Operation Lan Son 719
What was the nature of the invasion of Laos?
- Air support only –> troops banned from anywhere but Vietnam by Congress
- Fear of a push from communism - yr of elections, expect a communist attack
What were the aims of the campaign in Laos?
- To disrupt the HCM trail
- Prevent a NV offensive
What was the impact of entering Laos?
- ARVN forced to withdraw - showed weakness
- Bleak prospects, SV can only be helped with US support
- Chances of winning = slim
- Spurred NV to an offensive position
Why were Sino - Soviet relations deteriorating?
- Chinese isolation - pull to west - feel the US is a lesser threat than USSR
How did US - Chinese relations closen?
- US remove trade controls and travel restrictions to China (artichoke approach)
- Contacts in France, Pakistan, Romania - show willingness to China
- Hope to gain Chinese support by pressuring NV to peace talks
What was the role of Kissinger?
- Believed in détente
- Wanted improved Chinese relations - to incentivise USSR to better US relations
- Had a key role in negotiations - improved relations - brokered Paris Peace accords 1973
What happened in the beginning of the Paris Peace talks?
- March 1968 - Johnson shows intentions of peace
- May - negotiations break down
- US doubted NV sincerity so didn’t stop bombings, disagreements on inclusion of NLF, NV didn’t want to look weak after Tet
How did the peace talks progress under Nixon?
- Feb 1970 - Kissinger met secretly with Le Duc Tho - advisor to NV
- NV insist on replacement of SV pres, coalition in Saigon including NLF
- Chinese pressure the US to accept realistic agreement - US refuse - ousting SV pres would leave SV unstable and US allies exposed and NLF had done great damage to US troops
How did NV respond to the progression of talks?
- 1972 - NV moderate their stance on SV president
- Help to keep negotiations going while continuing the ground war to wear down US resolve