Chapter 10: Cold War Rivalries 1955-63 Flashcards
Space race, arms race, Berlin crisis
Describe the space race chronology in the 1950s
- 1957 - 4 Oct - Sputnik
- Nov - Sputnik 2 (with dog)
- Dec - Flopnik
- 1958 - NASA set up, $1 billion programme developed
- 1959 - Soviet satellite to the moon
Describe the space race events in the 1960s
- 1960 - Aug - US Discoverer programme set up
- 1961 - 12 Aug - Yuri Gagarin = 1st man in space
- 1962 - US = 63 missions, USSR = 15 missions
- 1969 - US first man on the moon
Why was the space race such a concern for the superpowers?
- Rockets could be used to send missiles around the world and pose a greater threat
How did the beginning of the race concern the US?
- Beginning = USSR ahead so US try to catch up –> flopnik = absolute fail
- US increase funding and set up NASA and begin to flourish and have more missiles
Describe the arms race in the 1940s
- 1945 - 6+9 Aug - bombs dropped on Japan
- 1946 - 21 March - set up strategic air command
Describe the events of the arms race in the 1950s
- 1954 - March - US test first lithium bomb
- 1957 - 26 Aug - first USSR ICBM tested
- Nov - Gaither report
- Bermuda conference
- 1959 - 9 June - nuclear submarines deployed by the US
Describe the arms race in the 1960s
- 1962 - 14-28 Oct - Cuban Missile crisis
- 1963 - Hotline set up between Kremlin and White House
- 5 Aug - nuclear test ban treaty
What was the Gaither report and what did it mean?
- Suggested the USSR was superior in the arms race
- Contradicted by U-2 spy plane data that showed the same potential as the US but were developing more slowly
- Chose to believe planes (Eisenhower) - actually a more limited threat
What was decided at the Bermuda conference?
- Used Gaither report to persuade Britain to let US IRBMs be stationed in Britain
What was West Germany called and who was the leader?
- FRG - Federal Republic of Germany
- Konrad Adenauer
What was East Germany called and who was the leader?
- GDR - German Democratic Republic
- Walter Ulbricht
What was the current situation in West Germany?
- Economically larger, larger population
- Larger industrial output
- Received Marshall aid
- Rapid increase in standard of living
- Democracy
What was East Germany like at this time?
- Collectivisation of land - bad for economy
- Declining standard of living
- Lost people to the west
- No free elections since 1946
- 1953 workers riots - had to be crushed by Soviet tanks
What caused the Berlin Crisis? (4 things)
- USSR scared of a strong Germany - especially now FRG joined NATO - could have nuclear weapons in Germany
- Open border allowed people to compare the sides and see the prosperity - caused increased emigration from 1955 especially of skilled workers and the educated (brain drain)
- USSR scared they were losing control after Polish and Hungarian uprisings
- China challenging Soviet dominance - need to show power
What was the Hallstein Doctrine?
- Made in 1955
- Khrushchev recognised the GDR as a separate state
- West Germany had relations with the USSR but did not want to inadvertently recognise the GDR
- Doctrine said any country other than the USSR who recognised it would be seen as unfriendly and diplomatic relations would stop
When was the first ultimatum given and what did it state?
- Nov 1958 - 1st ultimatum - says the west must withdraw troops and declare Berlin a free city or the USSR would make their own treaty with the GDR which would threaten western access to West Berlin and they would have to recognise the GDR which would go against the Hallstein Doctrine
What was the response to the first ultimatum?
- Refused by the west but do not want to alienate the USSR
- 1959 - Feb = UK PM & Khrushchev met in Moscow, Geneva summit, Camp David talks
What happened between the ultimatums that increased tensions?
- U2 affair that caused the collapse of the Paris Summit
When is the second ultimatum given and why?
- 1961 Vienna Summit
- Now given to Kennedy - think he will be easily manipulated
- Refused again
How and when did the wall go up?
- June 1961 - Warsaw powers met and announce plans for the wall - Khrushchev was convinced by Ulbricht to do this to stop the emigration
- 13 Aug - barbed wire wall put up
What was a very immediate confrontational consequence of the wall?
- Checkpoint Charlie tank stand off
- Eventually mutually agree to retreat
What were the outcomes of the Berlin wall? (6 things)
- Achieved its original purpose - improved the East German economy as the brain drain stopped
- Berliners torn apart - many try to cross the border - 50 die trying in the first year
- 1963 - Kennedy ich bin ein berliner speech - solidarity with Berlin
- Berlin stopped being a major source of conflict for US/USSR
- Khrushchev and communist bloc’s image ruined - having to force people to stay
- Kennedy comes out slightly better - wall is better than a war - not ideal