Chapter 18: The Extent of Détente up to 1979 Flashcards
What were impacts on détente?
- Impact of Cuba - fear of nuclear war
- Personalities - Nixon, Kissinger, Brandt, Brezhnev
- Need for ‘peace with honour’ in Vietnam
- Need to recognise nuclear parity
- Changes in Europe - Ostpolitik
What was strand 1 of détente?
- Nuclear détente
What were the agreements at SALT 1?
- 26 May 1972
- Anti ballistic missile treaty - only 2 ABM sites allowed (capital and ICBM sites) of les than 100 missiles
- Reduced ABM value and slowed arms race
- Interim Agreement in limitation of strategic arms - didn’t limit MIRVs, cruise missiles, only lasted 5 yrs
What was agreed at the Moscow Summit?
- May 1972
- Basic Principles Agreement
- Work for peaceful coexistence, avoid use of force
- Had no legal status but was used as a basis of further negotiations - showed commitment
What was decided at Vladivostok part 1?
- Nov 1974
- Trying to decide SALT 2
- Reached an agreement on a 10 yr framework - had congress support
- Had to be postponed - US election yr
What happened at Vladivostok part 2?
- Jan 1977
- Carter now
- More hard line - wanted to reduce weapons further and include all weapons systems - MIRVs, cruise missiles etc
What was agreed at the Vienna summit?
- June 1979
- ICBM, SLBM, heavy bombers together must be less than 2400
- Overall reduce strategic offensive arms to 2250 by Jan 1981
- Overall limit on ICBM launchers, SLBMs with MIRVs, ASBMs with MIRVs to 1200
- All agreed to
- Never ratified as USSR invade Afghanistan
What was Strand 2?
- European détente
How did European détente start?
- USSR wanted recognition of post war borders
- USA uncertain of freedoms in Europe - would reduce reliance on them
- Willy Brandt became leader of West Germany 1969
- He brought in Ostpolitik - a removal of barriers East - West
What treaties came in to further Ostpolitik?
- Treaty of Moscow - Aug 1970 - agreement of both Germanys to abandon reunification
- Treaty of Warsaw Dec 1970 - recognition of the Poland - Germany border
- 4 Power Agreement - 1971 - Recognise 2 German states, travel from West Germany to West Berlin, vague wording - Berlin never mentioned
- Basic Treaty - 1972 - Made Hallstein redundant, East Germany was accepted by West and could be accepted by other nations, trade established
When did different countries start relations with GDR?
- 1972 - Australia
- 1973 - UK, France, Netherlands
- 1974 - West Germany, USA
When were both Germanys included in the UN?
When were the Helsinki Accords?
- Aug 1975
What was in basket 1 Helsinki?
- Security in Europe
- Respect sovereignty, peaceful settlements, recognise borders, non-intervention, respect human rights, equal rights, self determination
What was in basket 2 Helsinki?
- Cooperation on economics, science, tech, environment
- Trade, industrial cooperation, promote tourism, protect the environment, share new science and technology
What was basket 3 Helsinki?
- Humanitarian
- Cultural and educational exchange, freer movement of people, info and ideas
What was the US opinion on Helsinki?
- Feared basket 1 would increase soviet control of Eastern Europe - would have to accept it
- Would be able to force human rights into the Eastern bloc
What was USSR position on Helsinki?
- Wanted to expand Ostpolitik, less interest in human rights
- Accepted for the aim of promoting détente
What was strand 3?
- Sino-US détente
What meetings happened between China and the US?
- 1969 - Nixon visits China
- 1971 - Ping-pong championships, excuse to meet, large publicity in China, furthers discussions
- 1971 July - Kissinger visits China - 6 meetings
- 1972 Feb - Nixon visits China
- 1975 - Ford visits China
- 1979 - Deng visits US
How did economic ties strengthen between US and China?
- Relaxed travel restrictions
- Increased trade - $5mil - $500 mil
- US refused to trade things with military applications - GB traded Rolls Royce jet engines 1975
How was Taiwan dealt with?
- US support for Taiwan blocked Sino-US relations
- Agreed US to remove aid and China treat Taiwan peacefully
- Taiwan removed from UN security council 1971
- US gave recognition to China not Taiwan 1978
How did Sino-US relations impact the USSR?
- China visited Eastern bloc countries to strengthen ties and pressure USSR
- China and US could undermine USSR
- Closer links to China allowed the US to pressure the USSR in negotiations - e.g. SALT 1 –> China card