Chapter 2 Flashcards
Study of links in bio to behavior
Biological psychology
Study of shape and size of cranium. Determines personality - not really
Nerve cell- basic building block
Cell body of receiving neuron
Extension of a neuron- sends impulses to other neurons
Layer of fatty tissue around axons. Speeds up impulses.
Myelin sheath
Neural impulse generated by movement of positively charged atoms in and out of axons membrane
Action potential
Level of stimulation must be exceeded for reaction to fire
Junction between sending and receiving ends on a neuron
Chemicals released into synaptic gap that send messages
Neurotransmitter that enables learning, memory, and muscle contraction. Alzheimer’s
Neurotransmitter that influences emotion, movement, learning, attention. Lot = schitz, less = Parkinson’s
Affects mood, hunger, sleep, arousal. Depression
Natural opiate like transmitter that is linked to pain control
Speedy electrical communication system with PNS and CNS
Nervous System
Brain and spinal cord system
Central Nervous system
Sensory and motor skills system. Connect CNS to outside nerves.
Peripheral Nervous system
Bundles of neural axons, part of PNS that connect to CNS
Carry info from sensory receptors to CNS for processing
Sensory Neurons
Carry info and instructions for action from CNS to muscles and glands
Motor Neurons
Neurons of the CNS that link the sensory and motor neurons in transmission of sensory inputs and motor outputs
Inter neurons
Division of PNS that enables voluntary control over skeletal muscles
Somatic NS
Controls involuntary muscles of organs for survival
Autonomic NS
Mobilizing energy in stressful situations
Sympathetic NS
Calms body to preserve energy
ParaSympathetic NS
Inborn response to stimulus - simple neural pathway
Distruction of tissue
Interconnected neural,cells - strengthened as learning continues
Neural Networks
Body’s slower chemical system- hormones
Endocrine system
Chemical messengers in bloodstream with targets
Produces epinephrine hormones that prepare body for fight or flight
Adrenal glands
Under influence of hypothalamus- regulates growth and controls other glands #mastergland
Amplified recording of electrical activity and waves in brain
Measures level of brain activity by tracing glucose
PET scan
Generates clear images of brain
Scans that reveal blood flow and function/anatomy
Oldest in remits part of brain. Automatic and survival functions
Brain stem
In brain stem, controlling breathing and heartbeat
Sensory switch board
Neural center in limbic system. Storage and memory.
Processes sensory input and coordinates movement and balance
Border of brain stem and cerebral hemisphere
Limbic system
Part of limbic system influencing emoticons of fear and aggression
Regulates hunger, thirst, body temp - reward centers
Bark of the brain
Cerebral cortex
Guide neural connections and provides nutrients
Glial cells
Lobes involved in speaking and muscles movements, planning, and judgement
Frontal lobes
Contain visual cortex
Occipital lobes
Contains sensory cortex
Parietal lobes
Contain auditory areas
Temporal lobes
Controls voluntary movements
Motor cortex
In front of parietal lobes- behind motor cortex- registers body touch and processes
Sensory cortex
Railroad construction man with severe accident. Had aphasia
Phineus Gage
Important part of language as a result to damage to several cortical areas - Broca’s and Weirnickes
Located in left frontal lobe - controlling motor ability to produce speech
Broca’s area
Located in left temporal lobe - involved in language comprehension and expression
Weirnicke’s area
Brains capacity for modification after damage to certain parts
Large band of neural fibers linking right and left hemisphere allowing them to interact
Corpus Callosum
Condition in which corpus callosum is severed to allowing the sides to interact
Split Brain