Chapter 15 Flashcards
The part of the mind that contains material of which we are unaware but that strongly influences our behavior.
Focused on unconscious and childhood experiences in determining our personality
I’ve unconscious system of personality with basic sexual and aggressive drives, that supplies psychic energy to personality (Devil)
The conscious division of personality that attempts to mediate between the demands of the ID, super ego and reality (umpire)
The division of personality that contains the conscience and develops by incorporating the perceived moral standards of society. (Angel)
Certain specific means by which the ego unconsciously protects itself against unpleasant impulses or circumstances.
Defense Mechanisms
Offers self justifying explanations in the place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for ones actions
Is an individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting
This is the Freudian technique in which the person is encouraged to say whatever comes to mind as a means of exploring he unconscious
Free association
Banishes anxiety arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories from consciousness
Refers to the treatment of psychological disorders by seeking to expose and interpret the tensions within a patients unconscious, using methods like free association
Developmental periods children pass through during which the ids pleasure seeking energies are focused on different erogenous zones
Psychosexual stages
Boys in the phallic stage develop a collection of feelings - center sexual attraction to the mother and resentment of father
Oedipus Complex
The refusal to accept the reality of something that makes you anxious
Child’s superego develops and incorporates the parents values. Freud saw identification as crucial, not only resolution of Oedipus complex, but also to the development of gender identity
When development becomes arrested, due to unresolved conflicts, in an immature psychosexual stage
When people disguise their own threatening impulses by attributing them to others (hypocrite)
Where a person faced with anxiety reverts to a less mature pattern of behavior
In which a sexual or aggressive impulse is shifted to a more acceptable object other than one that originally aroused the impulse