Chapter 18 Flashcards
Deals with our casual explanations of behavior. We attribute behavior to the individuals disposition or to the situation
Attribution theory
Scientifically studies how we think about, influence, and relate to each other.
Social psychology
Our tendency to underestimate the impact of situations and to overestimate the impact of personal dispositions upon behavior of others
Fundamental attribution error
These are feelings, based on beliefs, that may predispose a person to respond in particular ways to objects, people and events
The tendency for people who agree to a small request to comply later with a larger request
Foot in the door phenomenon
The theory that we act to reduce the psychological discomfort we experience when our behavior conflicts with what we think and feel. Accomplished by changing our attitude rather than our behavior. (Dissonance = lack of harmony)
Cognitive dissonance theory
The tendency to change ones thinking or behavior to coincide with a group standard
The pressure on individuals to conform in order to avoid rejection or gain social approval
Normative social influence
Results when one goes along with a group when one is willing to accept others opinions about reality
Informational social influence
Is the improvement in performance of simple or well learned tasks that occurs when other people are present
Social facilitation
The tendency for individual effort to be diminished when one is part of a group working toward a common goal
Social loafing
Refers to the loss of self awareness and self restraint that sometimes occurs in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity
Refers to the enhancement of a group’s prevailing tendencies through discussion, which often has he effect of accentuating he groups differences from other group
Group polarization
Refers to the unrealistic thought processes and decision making that occur within groups when the desire for the group harmony overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives
Group think
An unjustifiable attitude toward a group of people
A generalized belief about a group of people
An unjustifiable negative behavior toward a group or its members
This refers to people and groups within whom we share a common identity
Refers to people and groups that are excluded from ones own ingroup
The tendency to favor ones own group
Ingroup bias
Proposes that prejudice provides an outlet for anger by finding someone to blame
Scapegoat theory
Random students playing prison. Cruel guards and inhumane treatment.
Philip Zimbardo - Stanford prison experiment
A manifestation of the commonly held belief that good is rewarded and evil is punished.
Just-world phenomenon
Any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy
This states that aggression is triggered when people become angry because their efforts to achieve a goal have been blocked
Frustration aggression principle
A perceived incompatibility of actions, goals, or ideas between individuals or groups
A situation in which conflicting parties become caught up in mutually harmful behavior as they pursue their perceived best interests
Social trap
Refers to the fact that repeated exposure to an unfamiliar stimulus increases our liking of it
Mere exposure effect
Refers to an aroused state of intense positive absorption in another person - especially at the beginning of a relationship
Passionate love
Refers to a deep, enduring, affectionate attachment
Compassionate Love
Refers to the condition in which there is mutual giving and receiving between the partners in a relationship
Refers to a person’s sharing intimate feelings with another
Is unselfish regard for welfare of others
The tendency of a person to be less likely to offer help to someone if there are other people present
Bystander effect
States that our social behavior revolves around exchanges in which we try to minimize our costs and maximize our benefits
Social exchange theory
The expectation that people will help those who have helped them
Reciprocity norm
The expectation that people will help those who depend on the,
Social responsibility norm
Mutual goals that require the cooperation of individuals or groups otherwise in conflict
Superordinate goals
A strategy of conflict resolution based on the defusing effect that conciliatory gestures can have on parties in conflict