Chapter 2 Flashcards
View of human development that holds
that changes in behavior result from
experience or from adaptation to the
Learning perspective
Bandura’s term for bidirectional forces
that affect development.
reciprocal determinism
“Time of relative calm between
more turbulent stages.” what stage is this?
“Child develops
a balance of independence and self-sufficiency over shame and doubt.” what stage is this? and what it’s Virtue?
Autonomy VS self and doubt (will)
Research method in which the observer
lives with the people or participates in
the activity being observed.
Participant study
Research that focuses on nonnumerical
data, such as subjective experiences,
feelings, or beliefs.
Qualitative research
“Child becomes attached to parent of
the other sex and later identifies
with same-sex parent. Superego
develops. Zone of gratification
shifts to genital region.” what stage is this?
“Child must learn skills of the
culture or face feelings of incompetence. what stage is this? and what it’s Virtue?
Industry VS Inferiority (skill)
Possible explanations for phenomena,
used to predict the outcome of research.
Vygotsky’s term for the difference
between what a child can do alone
and what the child can do with help.
Zone of proximal development (ZPD)
“Person seeks to make commitments to
others; if unsuccessful, may suffer from
isolation and self-absorption” what stage is this? and what it’s Virtue?
Intimacy VS Isolation (love)
Sense of one’s capability to master
challenges and achieve goals.
Self efficacy
Study designed to assess age-related
differences, in which people of different
ages are assessed on one occasion.
cross sectional study
a major psychosocial challenge that
is particularly important at that time and will remain an issue to some degree throughout the rest of life. These issues must be satisfactorily resolved for healthy
ego development.
crisis in personality
Group of participants chosen to represent the entire population under study
Model that views human development as
internally initiated by an active organism
and as occurring in a sequence of qualitatively different stages.
Organismic model
“Older adult achieves acceptance of own life, allowing acceptance of death, or else despairs over inability to relive life.” what stage is this? and what it’s Virtue?
Integrity VS Despair (wisdom)
Bronfenbrenner’s approach to understanding processes and contexts of
human development that identifies five
levels of environmental influence.
bioecological theory
Learning through watching the behavior
of others.
observational learning
Research method in which all participants are observed under the same
controlled conditions.
laboratory observation
In Freudian theory, an unvarying
sequence of stages of childhood
personality development in which
gratification shifts from the mouth to the
anus and then to the genitals.
Psychosexual depelopment
In an experiment, the group receiving
the treatment under study
Experimental group
The process by which a behavior is
weakened, decreasing the likelihood of
Temporary support to help a child
master a task.
“Mature adult is concerned with
establishing and guiding the next generation or else feels personal impoverishment. “ what stage is this? and what it’s Virtue?
Generativity VS Stagnation (care)
Learning based on associating a
stimulus that does not ordinarily elicit a
response with another stimulus that
does elicit the response.
classical conditioning
Piaget’s term for incorporation of new
information into an existing cognitive
structure. - taking in new information and incorporating it into existing cognitive
Study of links between neural processes and cognitive abilities.
cognitive neuroscience
In Erikson’s eight-stage theory, the
socially and culturally influenced process
of development of the ego, or self.
Psychosocial development
Coherent set of logically related concepts that seeks to organize, explain,
and predict data.
the conscience
and incorporates socially approved “shoulds” and “should nots” into the child’s value system.
View of human development that sees
the individual as inseparable from the
social context.
Contextual perspective
View of human development that
focuses on evolutionary and biological
bases of behavior.
Evolutionary/Socio biological perspective
Rigorously controlled, replicable procedure in which the researcher manipulates variables to assess the effect of
one on the other.
Selection of a sample in such a way that
each person in a population has an
equal and independent chance of
being chosen.
Random selection
Piaget’s term for changes in a cognitive
structure to include new information. - adjusting one’s cognitive structures to fit the new
In an experiment, the condition that may
or may not change as a result of
changes in the independent variable
Dependent variable
Piaget’s term for the creation of
categories or systems of knowledge
System of established principles and
processes of scientific inquiry, which
includes identifying a problem to be
studied, formulating a hypothesis to be
tested by research, collecting data,
analyzing the data, forming tentative
conclusions, and disseminating findings.
Scientific method
Research design intended to discover
whether a statistical relationship between variables exists.
correlational study
The process by which a behavior is
strengthened, increasing the likelihood
that the behavior will be repeated.
Research method in which behavior is
studied in natural settings without intervention or manipulation.
naturalistic observation
“Model that views human development
as a series of predictable responses to
people are like machines
that react to environmental input.
Machines do not operate of their own will; they react automatically to physical forces
or inputs.
Mechanistic Model
A definition stated solely in terms of the
operations used to measure a
Operational definition
“Learning theory that emphasizes the
predictable role of environment in
causing observable behavior.”
“a mechanistic theory that describes observed behavior as
a predictable response to experience. “
The Russian psychologist “______________” (1896–1934) focused on the social and cultural processes that guide children’s
cognitive development.
Lev Semenovich vygotsky
Discontinuous changes in kind,
structure, or organization.
Qualitative change
“Baby’s chief source of pleasure
involves mouth-oriented
activities (sucking and feeding)” what stage is this?
Piaget’s term for the tendency to seek
a stable balance among cognitive
elements; achieved through a balance
between assimilation and
“Adolescent must
determine own sense of self (“Who am I?”)
or experience confusion about roles.” what stage is this? and what it’s Virtue?
Identity VS Identity confusion (fidelity)
Study of distinctive adaptive behaviors
of species of animals that have evolved
to increase survival of the species. / study of the adaptive behaviors of animal species in natural contexts.
Application of Darwinian principles of
natural selection and survival of the
fittest to individual behavior.
Evolutionary psychology
“Child develops initiative when trying
new activities and is not overwhelmed by guilt.” what stage is this? and what it’s Virtue?
Initiative VS Guilt (purpose)
Piaget’s theory that children’s cognitive
development advances in a series of
four stages involving qualitatively
distinct types of mental operations.
Cognitive stage theory
Research that deals with objectively
measurable data.
Quantitative research
“Baby develops sense of
whether world is a good and safe place. “ what stage is this? and what it’s Virtue?
Basic trust VS Basic mistrust (Hope)
represents reason,
develops gradually during the first year or so of life and operates under the reality
View of human development as
shaped by unconscious forces that
motivate human behavior. (Hunger, sex, and aggression)
Psychoanalytic perspective
Study design that combines cross sectional and longitudinal techniques
Sequential study
Learning based on association of behavior with its consequences. CONSEQUENCESSS!!!
operant conditioning
an arrest in development that can show up in adult personality
Assignment of participants in an experiment to groups in such a way that each person has an equal chance of being
placed in any group.
Random assignment
In-depth study of a culture, which uses
a combination of methods including
participant observation.
Ethnographic study
French philosopher “___________________” believed that children are born “noble savages” who develop according to their own positive natural tendencies if not corrupted by society.
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Theory that behaviors are learned by
observing and imitating models. Also
called social cognitive theory
Social learning theory
In an experiment, a group of people,
similar to those in the experimental
group, who do not receive the treatment under study.
control group
In an experiment, the condition over
which the experimenter has direct
Independent variable
“Child derives sensual
gratification from withholding
and expelling feces. Zone of
gratification is anal region, and
toilet training is important
activity.” what stage is this?
Piaget’s term for adjustment to new
information about the environment,
achieved through processes of
assimilation and accommodation.
Study of a single subject, such as an
individual or family
case study
Study designed to assess age changes
in a sample over time
longitudinal study
Changes in number or amount, such as
in height, weight, size of vocabulary, or
frequency of communication.
Quantitative change
operates under the
pleasure principle—the drive to seek immediate satisfaction of their needs and desires.
“Reemergence of
sexual impulses of phallic stage,
channeled into mature adult
sexuality” what stage is this?
View that thought processes are central
to development. This perspective encompasses both organismic and mechanistically influenced theories
Cognitive perspective
Piaget’s term for organized patterns of
thought and behavior used in particular
Name Freud’s five stages of
development and three parts
of the personality?
(3) Id, Ego, Superego
(5) Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital
Vygotsky’s theory of how contextual
factors affect children’s development
sociocultural theory
English philosopher “_________” held that a young child is a tabula rasa—a “blank slate”—upon which society writes. How the child developed, in either positive or negative ways, depended entirely on
John Locke
Approach to the study of cognitive
development by observing and analyzing
the mental processes involved in
perceiving and handling information.
Information processing approach