chapter 15 Flashcards
The term __________first came into the dictionary in 1895 as life expectancy began to lengthen.
Age-related, progressive loss of the
eyes’ ability to focus on nearby objects
due to loss of elasticity in the lens.
Age-related, gradual loss of hearing,
which accelerates after age 55,
especially with regard to sounds at
higher frequencies.
“Use of energy to maintain vital
“is the minimum amount of energy, typically measured in calories,
that your body needs to maintain vital functions while resting.”
Basal metabolism
Amount of air that can be drawn in with
a deep breath and expelled.
Vital capacity
Cessation of menstruation and of ability
to bear children.
Inability of a man to achieve or maintain
an erect penis sufficient for satisfactory
sexual performance.
erectile dysfunction
Chronically high blood pressure.
Disease in which the body does not
produce or properly use insulin, a
hormone that converts sugar, starches,
and other foods into energy needed for
daily life.
Condition in which the bones become
thin and brittle as a result of rapid
calcium depletion.
Diagnostic X-ray examination of the
Treatment with artificial estrogen,
sometimes in combination with the
hormone progesterone, to relieve or
prevent symptoms caused by decline in
estrogen levels after menopause.
Hormone therapy (HT)
Response to physical or psychological
Perceived environmental demands that
may produce stress.
Type of intelligence, proposed by Horn
and Cattell, that is applied to novel
problems and is relatively independent
of educational and cultural influences.
Fluid intelligence
Type of intelligence, proposed by Horn
and Cattell, involving the ability to
remember and use learned information;
it is largely dependent on education
and culture.
Crystallized intelligence
In Hoyer’s terminology, the process that
allows expertise to compensate for
declines in information-processing
ability by bundling relevant knowledge
Before bringing their working lives to a complete stop, people may
reduce work hours or days, gradually moving into retirement over a number of years. This practice is called _____________________
phased retirement
Or they may switch to another company or a new checkpoint called _________________
bridge employment
In an adult, ability to use printed and
written information to function in society,
achieve goals, and develop knowledge
and potential.